Nov 11: Climate Change Symposium – Live Report from Marrakesh to Uppsala

marrakeshWelcome to a presentation from, and conversation with, Uppsala University’s delegation to COP22, Professor Kevin Anderson and guests on the international climate negotiations in Morocco and its impact on a local level!

When: Friday November 11th, 16-17.30
Where: Stadsbiblioteket, Uppsala
Participants: Zennström Professor Kevin Anderson, UUCC platform and guests

Delegates from 197 countries will meet at this year’s climate negotiation (COP22) in Marrakesh to further commit their nations to low-carbon economies and discuss the action items identified in the Paris Agreement last year.  At the same time, Stadbiblioteket and CEMUS/CSD will gather live reports from Uppsala University’s delegation in Morocco combined with short talks by practioneers and researchers, including Climate Change Professor Kevin Anderson, to discuss the importance of such international gatherings. Join this event for an opportunity to engage with presenters, civil society and to further discuss how we can turn the outcomes of the climate talks in Morocco into climate action here in Uppsala.
Organizers: CEMUS/CSD,Stadsbiblioteket, Uppsala University’s Climate Change Platform, klimataktion

Limited number of seats. Tickets can be booked and picked up at the City Library Reception, or call at 018-7271700. Also, more information here:

More information on the Uppsala Climate Change Leadership Node here:

More information on the Uppsala University delegation to COP22 here: