April 3: Book release of an Active Student Participation Companion

Warmly welcome to a celebratory, social and activating book release for An Active Student Participation Companion!

April 3 at 15:30–18:00 in Kollaboratoriet Uppsala, Östra Ågatan 19

Emerging from a two year project at the Unit of academic teaching and learning, Uppsala university, the handbook address students and faculty interested in learning more about active student participation and trying out different methods and approaches connected to student-centrered learning.

Find the digital version of the book here: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1286438&dswid=-8476

With this book release the idea is to celebrate the publishing of the book and it’s digital counterpart, as well as to provide a space for meetings and to explore possible future steps for Active Student Participation at Uppsala university.

Some small drinks and snacks will be provided! Hope to see you all there!

/The ASP-team at the unit of academic teaching and learning, Uppsala university