CEMUS Forum & Outreach – Collaboration and Partnership for a Better World

CEMUS Forum and outreach organizes open events and activities in collaboration with students and various actors in the local and international community. The events are open to all and bring together students, researchers, local actors and the interested public. The format varies from events happening once or twice such as lectures, workshops, seminars, film screenings, to reoccurring series, conferences, symposiums and festivals organized with different partners. We also bring together different local organizations and support more long-term student projects, and host different meeting places in Uppsala.

The aim with CEMUS Forum is to bridge the gap between the theoretical and practical, the younger and older generations, and the academic and non-academic perspectives, and contribute to a better, more sustainable and just world.

Contact Daniel Mossberg, Lead Coordinator CEMUS Forum and Outreach, with your questions.

Sign up for CEMUS monthly newsletter here

How you can get involved with CEMUS Forum

Get involved in CEMUS

Do you have an idea for an event you want to organize? An inspiring guest that you want invite for a lecture? A critical seminar series? A podcast extravaganza? A topic you want to discuss and learn more about with others? Or a more long term sustainability project you want to start?

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Internships at CEMUS Forum and Outreach

CEMUS Forum and Outreach are looking for passionate and hard working interns that are ready to engage in our outreach and collaborative activities and make the world a better place! If accepted as an intern at CEMUS you will get insight into and take part in the day-to-day practicalities, running of CEMUS Forum, and initiate and run your own sustainability project.

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CEMUS Project Cafés

Each semester CEMUS host a Project Café where local organizations and civil society can present the work they do and how new people can get involved. The cafés have been great opportunity for new students to get to know Uppsala’s many organizations and connect with others working for sustainability.

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CEMUS Critical Friends – Affiliated Teachers, Researchers and Contributors

CEMUS has since the first idea of doing a multidisciplinary, environment-and-development, student-led course been a place that have brought together different people of all ages, passions, knowledges and life experiences. Students from different academic backgrounds meeting each other in intense and fun discussions, meeting guest lecturers bringing in research and practical understandings and perspectives, meeting course coordinators facilitating creative workshops and collaborative seminars.

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Current activities at CEMUS Forum

Framtidsakademin – debattluncher på Stadsbiblioteket

Framtidsakademin startade 2004 som en tvärvetenskaplig föreläsningsserie med inbjudna forskare med fokus på olika framtidsfrågor inom det breda hållbarhetsområdet. I samband med 20-årsjubileumet våren 2024 tar vi nya tag och satsar på ett nytt upplägg med samtals- och debattluncher som syftar till att väcka kritiska frågor, skapa debatt och inbjuda till gränsöverskridande samtal där olika perspektiv och människor möts. Vår förhoppning är att på nya sätt belysa bekanta samhällsutmaningar och inspirera i arbetet för en bättre värld! Framtidsakademin är ett samarbete mellan CEMUS, Folkuniversitetet i Uppsala och Stadsbibliotek i Uppsala.

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Framtidsklubben GRO

Framtidsklubben GRO är ett samarbete mellan CEMUS och Uppsala kommun där grundskoleelever deltar i en fritidsklubb där olika hållbarhets- och framtidsfrågor diskuteras. Fritidsklubben riktar sig till skolelever i Uppsala i årskurs 4-9 med särskild begåvning, antal platser är begränsat, och klubben är uppdelad i två grupper: årskurs 4-6 samt 7-9. Genom olika övningar, interaktiva föreläsningar, diskussioner, rollspel och workshops får dessa elever chans att fördjupa sig tillsammans med andra elever från olika skolor i Uppsala kommun. Verksamheten startade under vårterminen 2019 med stort intresse och engagemang från Uppsalas grundskoleelever. Projektet drivs gemensamt av Uppsala kommun och CEMUS, med gruppledare bestående av amanuenser på CEMUS samt studenter vid Uppsala universitet.

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CEMUS uppdragsutbildning

CEMUS erbjuder ett antal tematiska utbildningar inom klimat- och hållbarhetsområdet i samarbete med Avdelningen för uppdragsutbildning vid Uppsala universitet. I år erbjuder vi Klimat- och hållbarhetsomställning i praktiken och Klimatet i kulturen.

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ClimateExistence Conference

The conference – ClimateExistence, KlimatExistens – has since 2008 brought together scholars, researchers, educators, artists, activists, students and the general public in an engaged discussion and dialogue concerning the existential, psychological, philosophical and ethical dimensions of climate change / crisis / breakdown. The ClimateExistence conference is a collaboration between the Sigtuna Foundation and the Centre for Environment and Development Studies, CEMUS at Uppsala University and SLU.

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Re-emergence/emergency walks

CEMUS invites you to a series of re-emergence, emergency walks to explore issues, questions and unknowns central to our ability to re-imagine and re-shape human societies and culture.

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Sustainability Month/s and Festival

Welcome to over a month of open events, exhibitions, presentations and walks starting in April leading up to and out of the Sustainability Festival, Fair and Garden Party May 29 and continuing into June! CEMUS has been hosting Sustainability festivals in May and December for over ten years, building on student’s course projects and collaborating with different organizations and guests.

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Sustainability and Climate Fair – Idea to Action

Welcome to the Climate and Sustainability Fair – Idea to Action – where you can meet and connect with inspiring organizations! Join us for an inspiring afternoon with people engaged in making the world a better place! The fair aims to bring together students and the general public interested in doing more on climate and sustainability with the organizations where this is made possible.

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Art at the End of the World club

The art club is a fortnightly, interdisciplinary gathering for anyone who wants to creatively explore humans-with-nature in our changing (ending?) world. Each month has an ecological theme to guide the two sessions. During sessions we create art inspired by materials on the subject, then we share and respond to each other’s work. Any art medium (visual, poetry, film, music etc) and any level of experience is welcome.

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The Environmental and Climate Humanities Seminar

The Environmental and Climate Humanities Seminar is a collaboration between CEMUS, Centre for Environment and Development Studies, Uppsala University and SLU, CRS, Centre for Multidisciplinary Research on Religion and Society, Uppsala University, and Sofia Oreland, Department of Theology, Uppsala University. Welcome to a three part lunch seminar series on the Environmental and Climate Humanities autumn and spring!

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Café com Paulo Freire podcast and series

During the autumn 2021 in connection with the celebration of Paulo Freire’s 100th anniversary CEMUS started an online and Uppsala based Café com Paulo Freire series, inspired by the international concept with the same name and convened by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. From October 2023 we are back with Café com Paulo Freire as a recorded podcast where you can join us live in studio here in CEMUS Library or online, or listen when you want to!

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Open Events at CEMUS

At CEMUS start page you can find the latest open lectures, seminars, workshop and events. Almost all events are free and open to the public, students and university staff, although some require registration and/or conference fees.

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Meeting Places and Study Spaces

CEMUS Library/Lab/Lounge

CEMUS Library/Lab/Lounge at Villavägen 16, campus Geocentrum, is a meeting place for students and others, where you can study, find course literature (only to be read in CEMUS Library), work on projects or just relax. You can book it for events in line with CEMUS activities and issues in the paper calender on the whiteboard in the corridor.

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Kollaboratoriet Uppsala

Kollaboratoriet Uppsala was a physical space located in central Uppsala overlooking the river, with the purpose to be a multi-purpose space for different types of activities and events – collaborations, crossing boundaries, and developing ideas for a better world. Contact us if you want contribute in developing a new Kollaboratoriet together with us.

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Communication platforms and online resources

Open online courses at CEMUS

CEMUS open online courses are all free and open to anyone for self-study or as part of a regular course run on Uppsala University’s platform Studium. You can take them individually or together with colleagues, friends or family. As of 2024 CEMUS offers one open online course Climate Change Leadership and Transitions in Practice, part-time over 5 weeks.

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Student, staff magazines and creative content

On the linked to below page we have collected student magazines that you can contribute to and some of the creative content and writings from CEMUS more recent history.

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The Critical Interference Podcast

From Uppsala, Sweden we bring you critical conversations, disruptive ideas on how to change the world one small, systemic step at a time. Sustainability, climate, power, justice, education and all sorts of initiatives gets examined and dicussed in an open and intense format. You can find the Podcast at your regular distributors and leave voice messages to us at https://anchor.fm/cemus or interact via social media Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

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The Sustainability and Climate Thesis Library

Carolina Rediviva Uppsala UniversityThe Sustainability and Climate Thesis Library is an online thesis library where you can publish your thesis on anything related to CEMUS’ broad range of topics and discussions. Click on the link below to learn more on how you can submit your thesis.

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Past Activities and Collaborations

Re-emergence/emergency walks – Alnarp

A series of Re-emergence/Emergency Walks at SLU Alnarp’s campus “The Ecology of Life and Death: Learning about Radical Softness to Imagine a New Now” to explore issues, questions and unknowns central to our ability to re-imagine and re-shape human societies and culture.

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Moving Mountains Conference 2022

The first conference day “Spirituality, Sustainability and the Future of the Earth – Moving Mountains” was organized September 12, 2019. We now welcome you to the next one-day conference 2022! The conference series is a collaboration between the Centre for Religion and Society (CRS UU), the Church of Sweden, STUNS Energy and CEMUS.

Read more about the previous conference Sep 12 »

Uppsala Sustainability Day – for students by students

At the end the spring or autumn semester, CEMUS students organizes a day to celebrate, share, and present topics and ideas about sustainability. The festival is organized by students, in collaboration with course coordinators, researchers and actors from the local and wider community.

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Read more about the Sustainability Slam »

Thematic Conferences and Symposiums

Over the years CEMUS has organised several conferences and symposiums on different themes – The Uppsala ekonomi- och miljömässa, UEM 2005, KlimatExistens and ClimateExistence conferences in collaboration with the Sigtuna Foundation, the Uppsala Sustainability Conference 2008-2013, Sustainable Mining – A Contradiction in Terms or a Practical Possibility? in 2014 and Generation of the New Economy – Youth Economics Festival organised together with Schumacher College among others.

Framebreaking Fridays Research Seminars – Culture in the Shadow of Climate Change

IMG_9910 A collaboration between CEMUS, Riksteatern and the Research Node Mind and Nature. On the first Friday of every month, an international guest artist visits Uppsala to initiate conversations that unsettle some of the frames and assumptions that shape our understanding of the world – A world in the shadow of accelerating climate change. Each Framebreaking Friday engages students, researchers, educators and the interested public, in a variety of gatherings that explore the spaces in-between – between disciplines, between the world of art and academia, and between humanity and the more-than-human world.

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Flood – student run online magazine

Flood (former ceMuse) is a student-run online magazine in which students of CEMUS and Uppsala University provide commentary and in-depth pieces on the issue of Sustainable Development that are interesting and important to the writer and the wider audience.

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Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development – RCE Uppsala-Gotland

CEMUS is recognized by the United Nations University as a hub and platform to catalize and promote transformative learning initiatives in Uppsala, called “Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development.” This will continue to be developed within the Uppsala centre for sustainable development in collaboration with a wide collection of societal actors and organizations. The work to further develop the platform is continued, and involvement from everyone interested is most welcome.

Uppsala Sustainability Festival

At the end the spring and autumn semester, CEMUS students organizes a day to celebrate, share, and present topics and ideas about sustainability. The festival is organized by students, in collaboration with course coordinators, researchers and actors from the local and wider community.

Read more about the Sustainability Festivals »

Film & Framtid

Film & Framtid is a movie screening project run in collaboration with Folkuniversiteten and Fyrisbiografen. Movies on current topics are screened, and lecrurers are invited to give commentary and to talk about the issues. Tickets cost 80 SEK and fika is included in the price. (In Swedish –  some movies will be in English)

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Alumni Network

CEMUS hosts annual alumni events to help (re)connect former and current students, staff, and other CEMUS friends. In 2017, a Panel Discussion was held on March 18th followed by a dinner mingle. Events are open to both former and current students and staff, and aims to give opportunities to expand your network.

‘Applied Ecopreneurship Methodologies’

CEMUS is a part of a new 2-year Erasmus+ project (2018-2019) together with Sogn Jord- og Hagebruksskule (Norway), Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics at Nord University (Norway), Schumacher College (UK), and Friends of the Earth Denmark. The project explores what competences and skills are needed in order to create new social and ecological enterprises (or, make a living out of working with sustainability), and how we could support this through our courses and as educational institutions.

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Matariki Network of Universities Global Citizenship Program

Uppsala University hosted the first international workshop on Global Citizenship in the Matariki Network of Universities. The workshop, facilitated by CEMUS, took place on April 18-21 2016 and included participation from students and faculty from 6 universities in the network. The two initial strands for the program are “Empowering Learners” and “Community Engagement”.

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CEMUS Garden Group

The CEMUS Garden Group has in the past hosted meetings and events including practical workshops, lectures, film showings and harvest parties, as well as developed and maintained the CEMUS Garden at Villavägen 16. There is plenty of room for ideas as to what topics should be covered during events and everyone is welcome to participate. No previous ties to CEMUS are needed.Main organiser for this project was Christopher Wegweiser, also see the Facebook group

REALS – Resilient and Ecological Approaches for Living Sustainably

The REALS Project (Resilient and Ecological Approaches for Living Sustainably) is a project run by Permaculture Sweden in collaboration with Swedish, Russian and Belarussian partners. CEMUS is a partner in the project that aims to create networks and intercultural learning between Sweden, Russia and Belarus, with a focus on socio-ecological resilience and sustainable lifestyles.

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CEMUS Roots – our student organization

CEMUS Roots is a dynamic and self-governing student-run group, inclusive to all. It was established in order to allow students to take an active role in influencing the way that education is conducted at the center. The student organization is currently being reconstituted.

GHOST – Gotland Headquarters of Sustainable Thinkers

GHOST is a student-led networking platform at Campus Gotland for people from all backgrounds who are interested in sustainability. Starting 2021 GHOST and CEMUS will collaborate on spreading info on relevant activities and events, and possibly organize a joint event per semester.
