Collaboration with researchers at Uppsala University, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish and international universities has been one of the key components in student-led education and outreach activities at CEMUS since the very beginning. Researchers are engaged as guest lectures and in course work groups. CEMUS board has since the start of the centre in 1997 also included researchers from all faculties at Uppsala University and SLU.
For questions on research collaboration and partnerships please contact CEMUS Director, Mikael Höök.
Carbon Budgets and Rapid Energy Transitions at Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University
Building on commisioned research for Swedish municipalities, regions and counties dating back to 2017, CEMUS affiliates Kevin Anderson and Isak Stoddard have recently completed a 4-year research project; Regional Carbon Budgets and Rapid Transition to a Fossil-Free Energy System. With funding from the Swedish Energy Agency (2019-2023), the project aims to create knowledge that could facilitate a rapid and deep reduction of emissions at the local and regional level in Sweden, in line with the Paris Agreement.
Read more here.
CEMUS Research Forum, CEFO
CEFO is a research forum for PhD students, by PhD students, focused on facilitating interdisciplinary discussions around sustainability and environmental change. Our main activities include running a bi-monthly seminar series featuring talks and workshops from CEFO members and invited speakers. We initiate and run student-led PhD courses and offer opportunities for getting feedback for your research from a wider audience. Seminars, workshops and events are open to any interested PhD students, researchers, masters students and interested public.
CEFO was initiated by PhD-students, staff and students at CEMUS in 2002 as a research school between Uppsala University and Swedish Agricultural University (SLU).
Zennström Visiting Professorship in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University
The Climate Change Leadership node is focused around a 10-year series of visiting professorships initiated by CEMUS and funded by Zennström Philanthropies and Uppsala University. The aim is to act as a catalyst for public debate, research and education. The focus is to directly address some of the most challenging questions that climate change poses to humanity. In total, five internationally recognised Zennström Professors in Climate Change Leadership will work with academics, students, civil society and public and private partners to both understand the scale of the civilisational transition needed to mitigate and adapt to climate change and to begin to develop routes towards that transition and prepare for adaptation.