Café com Paulo Freire

During the autumn 2021 in connection with the celebration of Paulo Freire’s 100th anniversary CEMUS started an online and Uppsala based Café com Paulo Freire series, inspired by the international concept with the same name and convened by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg.

Autumn 2024 Café com Paulo Freire podcast – join us live in the studio or online


Welcome to the first spring autumn session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast! For this episode we are happy to welcome Sarah van Gelder, co-founder and columnist at YES! Magazine and long-time social activist.

For this recording session Azril and Daniel will be joined by Sarah van Gelder co-founder and columnist at YES! Magazine, founder of PeoplesHub, and author of The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000-Mile Journey Through a New America.

Join us online, see link below, welcome!

When: September 30 kl. 17.00-18.00 CEST


In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet and Café com Paulo Freire International.

Bio adapted from YES! Magazine web page

Sarah van Gelder has been advancing ideas for a more just, sustainable, and compassionate world for more than 30 years. As founding editor of YES!, Sarah led the magazine’s development from a scrappy startup operating out of a rented basement to a nationally recognized publication that covers leading-edge solutions to the ecological and human challenges of our times. Following two incredible decades at YES!, she founded PeoplesHub, an online community that offers training to individuals and groups around the country who making change where they live. Currently she is communications manager for an Indian tribe in the Pacific Northwest. Sarah is the author of The Revolution Where You Live: Stories from a 12,000 Mile Journey Through a New America, and the editor of Sustainable Happiness: Live Simply, Live Well, Make a Difference and This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99 Percent Movement. She speaks nationally and internationally, and has appeared on radio and television programs to talk about everything from cooperative economics and solving the climate crisis, to alternatives to prisons and confronting racism. She serves on the boards of Free Speech TV, The Rules, and the Suquamish Foundation, and was a founding board member of Winslow Cohousing and YES! Magazine. She has two adult children.

Read Sarah’s YES! columns here:

Spring 2024 Café com Paulo Freire podcast – join us live in the studio or online


In this episode we are live from Blåsenhus and the Climate and Sustainability Fair with Rebel Moms Uppsala. Listen below!

May 29

“The Kids Aren’t Alright” with Rebel Moms Uppsala – Café com Paulo Freire podcast

For this episode we are joined Rebel Moms Uppsala and return to the theme of activism, how to create a better future for all and how parenthood changes our outlook on life.

Your are most welcome to Blåsenhus main entrence hall and our pop-up studio where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are with us online – brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on.

When: May 29 at 14.15-15.15 CEST

Where: Blåsenhus Campus main entrance hall, von Kramers Allé 1A, Uppsala, see map here:


In collaboration with Café com Paulo Freire International.

For this episode we embark on a learning journey through the book “The End of the Megamachine” with author Fabian Scheidler. Listen below!

April 10

“The End of the Megamachine” with Fabian Scheidler – Café com Paulo Freire podcast

Welcome to the fourth spring semester session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast with Fabian Scheidler, German writer, visual artist, international speaker and author of the book “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization“!

This episode we are joined by Fabian Scheidler in the online studio, where we will together do plunge ourselves into roots of Western civilization and possible ends to the megamachine. “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization” was first published in German in 2015 and since then been published in several languages. Read more about the book here:

Your are most welcome to CEMUS Library and our pop-up studio where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are with us online – brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on.

When: April 10 at 14.15-15.30 CEST

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


In collaboration with Café com Paulo Freire International.

Fabian Scheidler studied history and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and theatre directing at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. He works and lives in Berlin as a writer for print media, television, theatre and opera. In 2009 he co-founded the independent newscast Kontext TV, which has since produced over 100 broadcasts on global justice issues. He also publishes in journals, including the Berliner Zeitung, Taz. Die Tageszeitung, Monde diplomatique, Frankfurter Rundschau, Wiener Zeitung, the Swiss weekly WOZ, Jacobin, The Progressive, Common Dreams, ZNet, Radio France, Reporterre, Les Terrestres and “Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik” (edited by Saskia Sassen, Jürgen Habermas et al). For the global justice network Attac he edited the fake edition of the German weekly Die Zeit in 2009, which generated nationwide attention. For this work he received the Otto Brenner Media Award for Critical Journalism. In 2010 he served as the project coordinator for the Attac Tribunal on Banks at the Volksbühne in Berlin. As a dramaturge and playwright he worked for the renowned Grips Theater in Berlin for several years. In 2013, his opera “Death of a Banker” (music: Andreas Kersting) was premiered at the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz (Germany).

In 2015, Fabian Scheidler’s book “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization” was published in German. The book was translated into Dutch (Lemniscaat 2018), English (Zero Books 2020), French (Le Seuil 2020), Turkish (Aram Yayınevi 2023) and Italian (Castelvecchi 2024). Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Turkish editions are in preparation. In 2017, “Chaos. Das neue Zeitalter der Revolutionen” (“Chaos. The New Age of Revolutions”) followed. In 2019, he co-edited “Der Kampf um globale Gerechtigkeit” (“The Struggle for Global Justice”), conversations with Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Immanuel Wallersein, Vandana Shiva et al. Since 2015, Fabian Scheidler has been on extensive lecture tours in Europe. He also works as a visual artist, with numerous exhibitions of his “photosyntheses“. A selection of images from the series “Displaced Places” is incorporated in his 2019 collection of essays “Die volle und die leere Welt” (“The Full and the Empty World”). In spring 2021, his book “The Stuff We Are Made of. Rethinking Nature and Society” was published in German by the Piper publishing house. In the same year, he released his essay “The Mental Field. Theatre Essentials” (Alexander Verlag Berlin).

Fabian Scheidler has given more than 300 lectures and talks at home and abroad, in German, English and French. Hosts include the Club of Rome, INSEAD Fontainebleau, Ars Electronica Linz, Paris School of Economics, Literaturhaus Berlin, Klassik-Stiftung Weimar, Université de Toulouse, ETH Zurich, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin, Brainwash-Festival Amsterdam, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and many more.

As an interview partner, Fabian Scheidler is a regular guest in various media, including Radio France Culture, BBC World Service, Deutschlandradio, WDR, SWR, Bayerischer Rundfunk, ORF, Arte, 3Sat, RTL, RAI, ZEIT Online, Frankfurter Rundschau, Taz, Wiener Zeitung, Nouvel Observateur and Libération.

Read more here:

March 21

“Long ago there was a time my heart was helpless in Antarctica” open poetry circle – Café com Paulo Freire podcast

Welcome to the third spring semester session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast! On World Poetry Day we gather for an open poetry circle where you can share your own or somebody else’s poetry, or just join us and listen in.

For as long as there has been humans there has been language. For as long as there has been language there has been stories, and with stories poetry. Maybe one could even imagine poetry as something inherent in the universe, in and on this planet, with plants, mountains, animals and humans connecting to a collective, more-than-human language, a language older than words. With that said – poetry can be silly, short and disturbing – whatever this world holds, poetry tries to capture and pronounce.

Your are most welcome to CEMUS Library and our pop-up studio where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are with us online – brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on.

When: March 21 kl. 14.15-15.30 CET

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet, Litteraturcentrum and Café com Paulo Freire International.

“Long ago there was a time my heart was helpless in Antarctica” comes from the poem “Antarctica” written by Freddy Niagara Fonseca who joined us for last year’s Café com Paulo Freire poetry circle, read more about him and the poem here: and don’t miss the choreographed video version below.

This episode we search for inspiration and practical hope from the late Mexican activist, author and deprofessionalized intellectual Gustavo Esteva. Listen below!

February 28

“This is a time of barbarism” on Gustavo Esteva and the politics of hope – Café com Paulo Freire podcast

Welcome to the second spring semester session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast! For this episode we focus on the life and work of Gustavo Esteva with Dougald Hine joining us in the studio.

This episode will be devoted to finding inspiration and practical hope from the late Mexican activist, intellectual and author Gustavo Esteva. Azril and Daniel will be joined in the studio by writer, podcaster and social thinker, Dougald Hine. The quote “This is a time of barbarism” comes from a short video with Gustavo Esteva from 2021, you can watch it here.

Your are most welcome to CEMUS Library and our pop-up studio where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are with us online – brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on.

When: February 28 kl. 13.15-14.30 CET

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet, Litteraturcentrum and Café com Paulo Freire International.

Photo: Ingrid Rieser

Dougald Hine is a social thinker, writer and speaker. After an early career as a BBC journalist, he has gone on to co-found a series of organisations including the Dark Mountain Project and a school called HOME. Together with Paul Kingsnorth, he is the author of Uncivilisation: The Dark Mountain Manifesto (2009). His latest book, At Work in the Ruins: Finding Our Place in the Time of Science, Climate Change, Pandemics & All the Other Emergencies is published by Chelsea Green in February 2023.

He has given keynotes and talks on numerous platforms – from the European Commission and TEDx events to the back rooms of pubs and squatted social centres – and is a regular guest lecturer at universities, art and architecture schools across Europe. In 2012, Google invited him to São Paulo and Buenos Aires to speak at its Think Infinite! events, his work was featured as a case study in the EU’s Team Culture report on ‘the role of culture in a time of crisis’ and he was named by NESTA/The Observer in their inaugural list of ‘Britain’s 50 New Radicals’.

In 2015-16 he served as leader of artistic development at Riksteatern, Sweden’s national theatre, bringing together a year-long artistic workshop on ‘the role(s) of art under the shadow of climate change’. In collaboration with three Swedish playwrights, he wrote Medan klockan ticker (‘While the Clock is Ticking’), a play commissioned by the Royal Dramatic Theatre, Stockholm, based on interviews with climate scientists about ‘what it’s like when the Anthropocene is your day job’. He is an associate of the Centre for Environment and Development Studies at Uppsala University and sits on the advisory board for the Penn State University Press series, Ivan Illich: 21st-Century Perspectives.

Many of his books have been collaborations with visual artists, ranging from COMMONSense (2009) with Anne-Marie Culhane and Access Space to The Crossing of Two Lines (2013) with the Stockholm-based artist duo Performing Pictures. For Walking in the Void (2021), a collaboration with the glass artists Baldwin & Guggisberg, he contributed an essay in twelve parts, ’THE ASTEROID: An Anthropocene Whodunnit’.
After ten years as a director of the Dark Mountain Project, he handed on his responsibilities in 2019. His recent projects include Notes From Underground, a ten-part essay series for Bella Caledonia exploring the deep roots of the new climate movements, and The Great Humbling, a podcast which he presents with the futurist and ‘recovering sustainability consultant’ Ed Gillespie.

Originally from the northeast of England, Dougald is now settled in the small Swedish town of Östervåla where he and Anna Björkman are creating a school called HOME, ‘a gathering place and a learning community for those who are drawn to the work of regrowing a living culture’. His latest writing is published on his Substack, Writing Home.

This episode we focus and reflect on the conference “The Polictical Ecologies of the Far Right” that was held in Uppsala January 2024. Listen below!

January 24

Roots of radicalism: a deep dive into the eco-politics of the far right

Welcome to the first spring semester session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast! This episode we focus and reflect on the conference “The Polictical Ecologies of the Far Right” that was held in Uppsala January 2024.

For this recording session Azril and Daniel will be joined by CEMUS friends, colleagues and office neighbours Ryan Carolan, Emmy Iwarsson and Kosma Lechowicz. We will together share insights from the conference and discuss ways to use what we have learned in a creative way.

Join us at CEMUS in our pop-up recording studio where we will provide coffee and tea, if you are with us online brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on, welcome!

When: January 24 kl. 14.15-15.30 CET

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet, Litteraturcentrum and Café com Paulo Freire International.

Ryan Carolan PhD student at Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.

Emmy Iwarsson PhD student at Department of Earth Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development.

Kosma Lechowicz PhD student at Department of Earth Sciences, Natural Resources and Sustainable Development.

Autumn 2023 Café com Paulo Freire now as podcast – join us live in the studio or online


This time we focus on how universities can become more effective and creative forces for good in a rapidly changing world. Listen below!

Welcome to the third and last autumn session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast! This time we focus on how universities can become more effective and creative forces for good in a rapidly changing world.

For this third recording session Azril and Daniel are joined by Asta Dahlqvist, Co-Chair of the Climate Students (Klimatstudenterna) Uppsala. The discussion on how universities can become more effective and creative forces for good in a rapidly changing world will also include critique of how things are now, but then also trying to translate that critique into something more practical and visionary. You are most welcome to the CEMUS Libray and our pop-up studio where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are joining us online brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on. Welcome again!

When: December 6 kl. 14.15-15.30 CET

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet and Litteraturcentrum.

The second episode is now ready for listening! Café com Paulo Freire – Learning, Life and Liberation – Learning – Living – Liberating. Listen below!

Welcome to the second gathering of the autumn series of Café com Paulo Freire – this time live from Vienna with Azril Bacal and guests! Join us live in the podcast studio here in CEMUS Library or online, or listen when you have the time.

For this second episode you are most welcome to CEMUS where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are joining us online brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on. The episode will feature Azril Bacal and guests Walter Kohan and David Untersmayr, taking part in events at the Paulo Freire Zentrum in Austria, and Daniel Mossberg behind the microphones and controls here in Uppsala, welcome!

Read more about the Freirian week and and the symposium “Research and education in the spirit of Freire today – facing the multiple crisis”.

When: November 15 kl. 12.15-13.30 CET

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


Upcoming episodes: December 6 at 14.15-15.30

In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet, Litteraturcentrum and Núcleo de Estudos de Filosofias e Infâncias (Nefi) da Uerj – Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJR) (Center of Philosophies and Childhoods of the State University of Rio de Janeiro).

Walter Kohan, received his doctorate from Iberoamericana University, in Mexico City, in 1996. His mentor was Matthew Lipman. He did post-doctoral Studiesin Philosophy at the University of Paris. Dr. Kohan was a research fellow at EPCD, at the University of British Columbia, 2017-8. He has also been visiting professor at different universities in Italy, France, Argentina, Mexico and Chile.Since 2002, he has been a Full Professor of Philosophy of Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Since 2000 he is a Senior Research member of the National Council of Scientiic and Technologic Development (CNPQ, Brazil) and of the Foundation of Support of Research of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ, Brazil). Since 2003, he has been the Director of the Center of Studies in Philosophy and Childhood (State University of Rio de Janeiro).

David Untersmayr, is editor-in-chief of the online magazine and assistant at the Paulo Freire Center. A stay abroad at the University of Chile inspired him to study Paulo Freire’s thinking. After completing his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and teaching studies in Geography/History, he now studied the master’s degree in International Development at the University of Vienna, where he specializes in political ecology. A research fellowship for his master’s thesis took him back to Chile before he came to the Paulo Freire Zentrum in 2020 via an internship in 2020. In October 2021, he took over the office of Valentina Duelli.

Our first episode is published! Café com Paulo Freire – Learning, Life and Liberation – On the road with Freire into the urgent now. Listen below!

We are back with the autumn series of Café com Paulo Freire! Now as a recorded podcast where you can join us live in studio here in CEMUS Library or online, or listen when you want to.

For the first episode you are most welcome to CEMUS where we will provide coffee, tea and fika, or if you are joining us online brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on. In this first epsisode we will introduce the new podcast, bring up some highlights from the Café com Paulo Freire series, and share our life stories in a brief format, with Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg behind the microphones and controls here in Uppsala, welcome!

In collaboration with Studiefrämjandet and Litteraturcentrum.

When: October 4 kl. 14.15-16.00 CEST

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here


Upcoming episodes: NEW DATE AND TIME November 15 at 12.15-13.30 and December 6 at 14.15-15.30

Café com Paulo Freire – Learning, Life and Liberation – podcast

Are you teacher in search of more inclusive and democratic ways to engage your students? Armchair digital activist looking for real-world change-making processes and community? Or just curious about the connection between coffee, student-led education, Freire and today’s interconnected emergencies? Then this is the podcast for you!

During the autumn 2021 in connection with the celebration of Paulo Freire’s 100th anniversary CEMUS started an online and Uppsala based Café com Paulo Freire series, inspired by the international concept with the same name and convened by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Read more here:

From October 2023 we are back with Café com Paulo Freire as a recorded podcast where you can join us live in studio here in CEMUS Library or online, or listen when you want to!

Azril Bacal is CEMUS affiliate with a lifetime of experience and knowledge Paulo Freire, education, research and activism.

Daniel Mossberg is lead outreach coordinator at CEMUS with a wide range of firsthand experience of student-led education, universities work for and against sustainability and conversations on existential issues, big and small.

Spring 2023 Café com Paulo Freire

Join us for the Café com Paulo Freire fika-conversation series spring 2023, in CEMUS Library and online!

The conversation is convened and facilitated by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

When: See dates and times below

Where: CEMUS Library, see map here:

Online/Zoom: See links below

January 18 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time (kl. 8.15-10.00 Iowa time)

Café com Paulo Freire: the Poetic Language of Time and Transformation with Azril Bacal, Daniel Mossberg and guests

CEMUS Library and Zoom: Meeting ID: 670 0401 9782

Welcome to the first Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation on poetry, language, time and transformation!

Azril Bacal is joining us online from Iowa, USA with guests Freddy Niagara Fonseca, Michael Judge, Eloy Barragán and Daniel Mossberg from CEMUS Library, Uppsala. We will share some of our poetry and you are most welcome to read your own texts or bring your own favorite poem.

Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

Read more:


February 22 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time

Café com Paulo Freire: How would Paulo Freire envisage Another World and Sustainable Future? The Case of Perú with Azril Bacal and guests

Zoom: Meeting ID: 655 5329 2122

Welcome to the second Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation on visions of sustainable futures for Perú and the world! Azril Bacal will join us online with guests for this online-only event.

Read more:


March 8 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time

Café com Paulo Freire: Active Learning, Citizenship and Decolonializing Learning Spaces and Campuses with Daniel Mossberg and Azril Bacal

CEMUS Library and Zoom: Meeting ID: 691 6321 4895

Welcome to the third Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation on how to decolonize the mind and physical spaces in education and on campus!

Read more:


April 19 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time

Café com Paulo Freire: A Freirian Approach to Pedagogical Leaders and Scientific Expertise in Student-Led Education with Daniel Mossberg and Azril Bacal

CEMUS Library and Zoom: Meeting ID: 655 5329 2122

Welcome to the final Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation for the spring on different pedagogical authorities in education, knowledge generation and roots of scientific expertise!

Read more:

The Café com Paulo Freire series is built upon the anthology Transformative Research and Higher Education, edited by Azril Bacal, summarized here:

The aim in this book is to contribute to the contemporary efforts to replace the hegemonic neoliberal university with an alternative collaborative academic system. This alternative approach to university life and knowledge democracy is already under construction. The authors of this anthology join in this respect an emerging global network of concerned scholars, who are currently engaged in dialogue with civil society and social movements. In arguing for the transformation of research and education, this book provides concrete examples of creativity, innovativeness and knowledge democracy in this endeavour. This paradigmatic shift is called for against the backdrop of a generalized global crisis. The authors seek in this context to enhance the agenda, curricula and debate on how a transformed university might help in the construction of another possible post-pandemic world built on premises of justice and peace. This book shares pertinent insights from classical authors like Dorothy Lee, Paulo Freire and Orlando Fals-Borda, with up-to-date innovative practices in research and higher education.Transformative Research and Higher Education, edited by Roij, Azril Bacal, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022

Read more about the book here:

Read the e-book at Uppsala University Library (for staff and students) here:

Autumn 2022 Café com Paulo Freire

Join us for the Café com Paulo Freire fika-conversation series autumn 2022, in CEMUS Library and online!

The conversation is convened and facilitated by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

When: See dates and times below

Where: CEMUS Library, see map here:

Online/Zoom: See links below

September 1 kl. 16.15-18.00 CET

Café com Paulo Freire on Mental Health in a Crazy World

CEMUS Library and Zoom:

Fika/coffee-conversation on mental health, different challenges in life and ways dealing with an increasingly uncertain world. Feel free to share you own experiences, thoughts and relfections. The conversation is convened and facilitated by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg with guests. Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

Read more:


October 26 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET

Knowledge Democracy and Participatory Action Research in a Freirean Context with Erik Lindhult

CEMUS Library and Zoom:

Erik Lindhult is a senior lecturer in innovation management and entrepreneurship. His main area of interest is participatory, collaborative and democratic innovation and change management as well as entrepreneurship for a sustainable development of society. He is involved in research projects concerning societal entrepreneurship, as well as service innovation. Erik is also doing research in action research and interactive research, research in collaboration with practitioners, and is a board member in the national communities SIRA and SPARC. Erik holds a PhD in Industrial Management at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.


November 9 kl. 12.15-13.00 CET

Student-Led Climate Education and Paulo Freire’s Learning Revolution with Daniel Mossberg and Azril Bacal

CEMUS Library and Zoom: Remember to bring your own lunch Meeting ID: 679 8893 9047

Join us for a fika/coffee-conversation with Daniel Mossberg and Azril Bacal, titled “Student-Led Climate Education and Paulo Freire’s Learning Revolution” in CEMUS Library and online!


November 30 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET

Critical Pedagogy and Sustainability – Freire in 21st Century Classroom with Christina Marouli

CEMUS Library and Zoom: Meeting ID: 680 6194 0052

Join us for a fika/coffee-conversation with Christina Marouli, Associate Professor, American College of Greece, titled “Critical Pedagogy and Sustainability – Freire in 21st Century Classroom” in CEMUS Library and online!

The conversation is convened and facilitated by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

Christina Marouli studied biochemistry (B.Sc. from Brandeis University), urban and environmental policy (M.A. from Tufts University) and sociology (M.A. and PhD from the University of California, Santa Cruz) in the USA – with a specialization on the environment, health and social inequalities. Her present research interests include education for sustainability, sustainable, healthy, smart cities, environmental behaviors and social change. She is teaching the Environmental Studies Program of Deree – The American College of Greece (ACG) and she is the founder and ex-Director of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability at ACG. She is also a recipient of a Fulbright award in the context of which she did research on multicultural environmental education programmes in the USA in collaboration with a Turkish professor. She has extensive consulting experience on environmental and occupational health issues. She has also worked in NGOs on women’s and children’s issues as Director or expert and she was a co-founder of the Emergency Research Center. She recently co-edited a book on “Environmental Exposures and Human Health Challenges”.

The Café com Paulo Freire series the academic year 2022-2023 is built upon and highlights authors from anthology Transformative Research and Higher Education, edited by Azril Bacal, summarized here:

The aim in this book is to contribute to the contemporary efforts to replace the hegemonic neoliberal university with an alternative collaborative academic system. This alternative approach to university life and knowledge democracy is already under construction. The authors of this anthology join in this respect an emerging global network of concerned scholars, who are currently engaged in dialogue with civil society and social movements. In arguing for the transformation of research and education, this book provides concrete examples of creativity, innovativeness and knowledge democracy in this endeavour. This paradigmatic shift is called for against the backdrop of a generalized global crisis. The authors seek in this context to enhance the agenda, curricula and debate on how a transformed university might help in the construction of another possible post-pandemic world built on premises of justice and peace. This book shares pertinent insights from classical authors like Dorothy Lee, Paulo Freire and Orlando Fals-Borda, with up-to-date innovative practices in research and higher education.Transformative Research and Higher Education, edited by Roij, Azril Bacal, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022

Read more about the book here:

Read the e-book at Uppsala University Library (for staff and students) here:

Spring 2022 Café com Paulo Freire

Wednesday March 30 kl. 15.15-16.00 Café com Paulo Freire visits CEMUS course coordinator fika.

Wednesday April 6 kl. 16.00-17.30 International Café com Paulo Freire online (only) “Weaving together a World Tapestry of Joyous Transformation”.

Thursday April 21 kl. 15.15-16.00 Café com Paulo Freire visits Department of Education, Blåsenhus, fika.

Thursday May 19 kl. 15.15-17.00 Roundtable “How Universities are Changing the World” in connection with the recent publication of the book “Transformative Research and Higher Education” (more details coming).

Autumn 2021 series: Paulo Freire and Human Survival in the Twenty First Century


Initiated and convened by CEMUS affiliate Azril Bacal

October 14 kl. 15.15-17.00 panel and conversation on “The contributions of Paulo Freire to Popular Communication, Education and Culture”, co-organized with Litteraturcentrum Uppsala and Studiefrämjandet

Beatriz Bissio, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and of the Post-Graduate Program in Comparative History, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Leonardo Boff, Liberation theologian, Right Livelihood Laurate

Sarah van Gelder, Author and activist, founder PeoplesHub, co-founder YesMagazine

Daniel Mossberg, Lead Outreach Coordinator and Educational Coordinator CEMUS

convened by Azril Bacal, CEMUS affiliate

October 7 kl. 15.15-17.00 panel on “Transformative Research and Higher Education”

The panel consists of some of the authors in the forthcoming anthology “Transformative Research and Education”, Emerald Publishers, UK.

September 30 kl. 15.15-17.00 “Reading Contemporary Latin America through Freirean Glasses – with a particular focus on Brazil”

Leonardo Boff, Liberation theologian

Alicia Cabezudo, Peace and human rights educator

André Dutra, Course coordinator, CEMUS

Fernanda Poletto, Child and popular educator, poet, “Cafe com Paulo Freire” NGO POA

Chico Whitaker, Activist, World Social Forum

convened by Azril Bacal, CEMUS affiliate

In a context of a severe world crisis situation signaled by climate emergency and the covid-19 pandemic, we at CEMUS in collaboration with various international Freirean networks will recall and honor the critical and hopeful pedagogical legacy of Paulo Freire. We have organized in this respect a series of events beginning on Sunday September 19, 2021, by joining a vast celebration of his vital legacy and inspiration in all corners of the world.

This initial event entails a conversation about the relevance of Freire’s legacy to confront the critical social and educational issues of our time. This conversation will be followed by other events throughout the following months, to progressively engage the academic world and popular education associations in dialogue about the transformative potential of research and education inspired by one of the most important educators of the past century. The lessons and inspiration from Freire are deemed to be today more relevant and crucial than ever before, against a background of fake news, propaganda, and erosion of liberal and social democracies.

Events autumn 2021
To participate online please register here: Registration – autumn 2021 – no registration needed to participate in person in CEMUS Library.

  1. Conversation on Paulo Freire, Sunday September 19 kl. 18.30-19.30, in CEMUS Library, Villavägen 16 and online. Convener: Azril Bacal (CEMUS affiliate) and Daniel Mossberg (lead outreach coordinator CEMUS).
  2. Follow-up seminar and panel (see guests at the top of page) “Reading Contemporary Latin America through Freirean Glasses – with a particular focus on Brazil” Thursday September 30 kl. 15.15-17.00 discussion and dialogue with the audience (both local and international). Don’t miss the video from the first conversation above.
  3. Panel on transformative research and higher education (see guests at the top of page). Date: Thursday October 7 kl. 15.15-17.00. Panelists to be announced.
  4. The contributions of Paulo Freire to Popular Communication, Education and Culture. Date: Thursday October 14 kl. 15.15-17.00.

Dear fika-enthusiasts and Paulo Freire friends, we want to welcome you all the next Café com Paulo Freire fika conversation in CEMUS Library and online November 25, December 2 and 9, kl. 16.00 CET!

The fika is hosted by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg.

Join Zoom here: Meeting ID: 670 7358 7466

We will provide coffee and tea, welcome!