CEMUS Forum & Outreach: ideas for open events, activities and projects

Do you have an idea for an event you want to organize? An inspiring guest that you want invite for a lecture? A critical seminar series? A podcast extravaganza? A topic you want to discuss and learn more about with others? Or a more long term sustainability project you want to start?

Do you have an idea for an event, activity or project?
You are welcome to contact us with your ideas. Remember that they should be in line with CEMUS goals as a centre and the different topics that CEMUS work with, such as sustainability, climate, environmental justice, critical pedagogy, student-led education and so many more issues, see examples from CEMUS courses here www.cemus.uu.se/education

Contact us with your ideas
Contact Daniel Mossberg, Lead Coordinator CEMUS Forum and Outreach, with your ideas and questions at daniel.mossberg@cemus.uu.se

What you bring and contribute with
You individually or in a group bring the actual idea of what you want to do and organize, when it should be organized, where it will (online, outside, socially distanced inside) and all the practicalities such as inviting guests or setting up the space you use. You also invite people and spread the word about the event, activity or project.

The format is in no way limited – open lectures, critical seminars and creative workshops, fun podcasts, board game development, art exhibitions, forest walks, community work – the only thing the university can’t support is promotion of specific businesses or products.

The topics and issues that you want to explore, focus on and discuss can be very varied, see CEMUS courses here www.cemus.uu.se/education and be inspired by current and past outreach activities and projects here www.cemus.uu.se/outreach.