Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture (distance) – Weeks 12-15 Politics

Updated 2019-03-17 at 13:19 DM

When, at the end, the children wanted
to add glitter to their valentines, I said no.

I said nope, no, no glitter, and then,
when they started to fuss, I found myself

saying something my brother’s football coach
used to bark from the sidelines when one

of his players showed signs of being
human: oh come on now, suck it up.

That’s what I said to my children.
Suck what up? my daughter asked,

and, because she is so young, I told her
I didn’t know and never mind, and she took

that for an answer. My children are so young
when I turn off the radio as the news turns

to counting the dead or naming the act,
they aren’t even suspicious. My children

are so young they cannot imagine a world
like the one they live in. Their God is still

a real God, a whole God, a God made wholly
of actions. And I think they think I work

for that God. And I know they will someday soon
see everything and they will know about

everything and they will no longer take
never mind for an answer.

― Carrie Fountain “Will You?” read the whole poem here:

This is the Merriam-Webster definition of ‘politics’

1a : the art or science of government
b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy
c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government

Learning outcomes week 12-15

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • analyse and interpret different theories of leadership, cooperation, organisation and communication for a functioning climate change leadership;

Assignment week 12-15 Power

Assignment for week 12-15 will be released April 1, 2019, at 12.00.

Course book for week 12-15 Politics

During week 12-15 you will read:

EcoJustice Education: Toward Diverse, Democratic, and Sustainable Communities Book by Jeff Edmundson, John Lupinacci, and Rebecca A. Martusewicz – Chapters 8 and 10 (available online: full access through UU Library:


Power in a Warming World: The New Global Politics of Climate Change and the Remaking of Environmental Inequality David Ciplet, J. Timmons Roberts, Mizan R. Khan, Frank Biermann, and Oran R. Young – Chapters 4 and 5 (available online: full access through UU Library:


What We Think about When We Try Not to Think about Global Warming: Toward a New Psychology of Climate Action, by Per Espen Stoknes, and Jorgen Randers – Part I (chapters 1 to 7) and II (chapters 8 to 13) (available online: full access through UU Library:

Texts (click on bold title to access the text), videos, audio and visuals

Politics of Climate Change – Ways of Working with Mitigation, Adaptation and Beyond

Capricious foes, Big Sister & high-carbon plutocrats: irreverent musings from Katowice’s COP24
– Kevin Anderson, 2019

Don’t despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is
– Rebecca Solnit, The Guardian, 2018

Comparing State Responses
– Peter Christoff and Robyn Eckersley, “The Oxford Handbook of Climate Change and Society”, 2011

The Global Politics of Climate Change: Challenge for Political Science
– Keohane, Robert O. PS, “Political Science & Politics”, 2015

Theories, analysis and examples of Climate Change Leadership, Cooperation, Organisation and Communication

Can democracies deal with climate change?
– Claus Leggewie and Harald Welzer, 2008, Eurozine

In-depth, extra activity week 12-15

Go on a politics of climate change walk
Explore the politics, decision-making and democratic landscape of the city, town, place where you live through a walk where you observe and reflect on the different concepts investigated and discussed during week 12-15.

  • How have local political, democratic policy and governance succeeded in lowering green house gas emissions, offer low-carbon alternatives and working towards adaptation?
  • How have local political, democratic decisions failed when it comes climate change?
  • What aspects of current local, democratic political systems will be key in combating climate change?
  • What can new initiatives, local participation and community engagement achieve in combating climate change?
  • What is lacking in current national and international policy and legislation when it comes to mitigation, adaptation and moving society towards negative emissions?
  • What kind of leadership is needed in relationship to climate change? What does a climate change leader need to know? What skills are needed?

Further reading, watching, listening

Watch the full movie “Rogue One”, at Viaplay or SF Anytime.

Watch the full movie “Wag the Dog”, available for 29 SEK at SF Anytime.