Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture (distance) – Weeks 4-7 Climate Change

Updated 2019-01-24 at 16:14 DM

Learning outcomes week 4-7


On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

    • from an environmental historical perspective critically compare different explanatory models of how changes in the climate have influenced different societies;
    • interpret different theoretical models concerning the emergence of the industrial society as a cause for anthropogenic climate change;


Assignment week 4-7 Climate Change

Assignment and seminar instructions week 4-7 (pdf)


Texts (click on bold title to access the text), videos, audio and visuals


Introduction to Sustainable Development, Sustainability and Climate Change Leadership

Climate Change Leadership Declaration Spring 2017
– Students from the Climate Change Leadership course spring 2017

What Is Sustainability?
– Richard Heinberg, March 15, 2012, From The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century’s Sustainability Crises

Review of sustainability terms and their definitions
– Peter Glavic, Rebeka Lukman, 2007, Journal of Cleaner Production

Towards sustainable development
– John Blewitt, 2008, Introduction from “Understanding Sustainable Development”

Deep Time, Environmental History and Climate Change in a Historical Perspective

Climate Change, Science and Mitigation

Climate change going beyond dangerous – Brutal numbers and tenuous hope
– Kevin Anderson, 2012, What Next Volume III: Climate, Development and Equity

The Uninhabitable Earth
– David Wallace-Wells, July 10, 2017, issue of New York Magazine

On Climate, Speed is Everything
– Alex Steffen, December 8, 2017

Studying at Uppsala University, CEMUS, interdisciplinarity and the purposes of education

What Is Education For?
– David Orr, 1991, The Learning Revolution

Crossing Boundaries. An Analytical Look at Cemus’ Educational Model
– Kronlid and Österbergh, 2011, in Transcending Boundaries.

In English Teaching and learning at Uppsala University and in Swedish Pedagogiskt program för Uppsala universitet
– Uppsala University, 2018

In-depth, extra activity week 4-7

Do a 4.6 km Deep Time Walk through planet Earth’s history
With the help of the app (cost 35 SEK) see web page here: or with the help the video below.

The Deep Time Walk is a 4.6 km walking audio history of life. This unfolding takes you from 4.6bn years ago to the present day, with each metre representing one million years. During the narrated walk you learn how our planet evolved over this vast stretch of time, including the accretion of the Earth from a disc of rocky debris, the formation of the oceans and atmosphere, the appearance of bacteria – the first life, then the first nucleated cells, and, eventually, multicellular organisms. As you walk you begin to recognise the long geological processes and self-regulating patterns that have produced the conditions for the evolution of life.

Further reading, watching, listening

NASA Climate Change Facts

Climate Change Twitter wall
– Daniel Mossberg (ed), 2018, CEMUS

Europe’s freak weather, explained
– Stefan Ramhstorf, August 16, 2018, Politico

WHAT LIES BENEATH – The Understatement Of Existential Climate Risk
– David Spratt and Ian Dunlop, 2018, The National Centre for Climate Restoration (Breakthrough)

Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene
– Steffen, Rockström et. al., July 6, 2018, PNAS