CEFO Sustainability Seminar Spring 2016

Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University

Tuesdays at 10.15-12.00 (unless stated otherwise) in Baltic Library, CSD Uppsala, Villavägen 16

February 9: Spring term kick-off and continued planning

February 16: PhD Malgorzata (Gosia) Blicharska present an overview her research about ecological conversation and biodiversity. Title: My Conservation Kaleidoscope

March 1: MSc Niak Sian Koh. Research proposal Developing the institutional design of ecological compensation in Sweden

March 15: PhD Naghmeh Nasiritousi, Stockholm University, presents her paper Fossil fuel emitters and climate change governance: Understanding the roles of large oil and gas companies

March 29: Lars Rydén: Transforming our world: The 2030 Agenda for transition to Sustainable Development; the SDSN (Sustainable Development Solutions Network) and other initiatives.

April 12: Staffan Qvist (UU) Potential for Worldwide Displacement of Fossil-Fuel Electricity by Nuclear Energy in Three Decades Based on Extrapolation of Regional Deployment Data

April 26: Johan Hedrén and XX (TBD): Mistra Project: Environmental Humanities, Linköping University

May 10: To be announced

May 26: Sustainability Festival, Scale, Security & Sustainability – challenges for agriculture in the 21st century. Speakers: PhD Gloria Rotolo (INTA-Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria, Argentina), PhD Paulina Rytkönen (Södertörn Högskola)

May 27: Retreat, invited guest

Download pdf programme here: CSD-CEFO-NRHU schedule SPRING 2016

CEMUS Research Forum CEFO, organises an interdisciplinary research seminar series to which all doctoral students are welcome. Here you have the chance to meet PhD students from other departments, to present and discuss your research from new perspectives and invite interesting guest speakers.

The seminars give you a chance to get a broader perspective on your research and to think of how your research relates to environmental and development issues. The seminar schedule is planned together with Cefos doctoral students and the seminars are held every fortnight during term time. The first and last seminar each term includes planning discussions where PhD students suggest topics for the seminars, course ideas, field trip ideas and other activities.