Feb 28: CEFO Sustainability Seminar – Education for Sustainable Development

Welcome to the CEFO Sustainability Research Seminar. This time we will have 2 presenters with the theme of Education for Sustainable Development.


Presenter 1: Sachiko Ishihara (CEMUS – Centre for Environment & Development Studies, Uppsala University & SLU).

Title: Back from the Future We Want – Backcasting as a pedagogical practice towards sustainable futures.


Presenter 2: Sebastian Djup (Department of Social and Economic Geography, Uppsala University)

Title: Sustainable development in geography teaching


When: Tuesday, February 28th 10:15-12:00

Where: Baltic University Programme Library at the Center for Sustainable Development (Geocentrum, Villavägen 16).

* From the Geocentrum main entrance, follow the corridor on the right, and the first glass door on your right hand.


Contact sachiko.ishihara@csduppsala.uu.se to receive papers that will be presented.

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Read more about CEFO (CEMUS Research Forum) and see full schedule for the semester at: http://www.csduppsala.se/cefo/