July 6: Almedalen Seminar – Now that we have the Paris Agreement on climate change, what next?

almedalen liten
Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership Doreen Stabinsky contributes to Climate Change Seminar in Almedalen

Now that we have the Paris Agreement on climate change – what next? To reach the Paris Agreement on climate change will require immediate and significant reductions in greenhouse gas pollution, getting to zero emissions globally from burning of fossil fuels by sometime between 2030 and 2050. How can this be done? Views from national to local levels. A seminar organized by Östersjödagarna. Contributing Panelists include: Doreeen Stabinsky, Johan Kuylenstierna, Anders Wijkman, Folke Tersman, Linea Engström and Eva Krutmeijer (moderator).

More information at: http://www.almedalsveckan.info/event/user-view/35589?redir=%23eidx_21

The event will be live-streamed at: https://media.medfarm.uu.se/play/video/6074/livestream

For more information on the Climate Change Leadership node visit: www.csduppsala.se/ccleadership

(Photo Credit: Malin Ericsson/Region Gotland)