May 28: CE//MUSE Sustainability Festival at Blåsenhus and the Botanical Garden

Welcome to the second annual CE//MUSE Sustainability Festival!

CEMUSE2015-bigOn May 28th we gather for the second annual Sustainability Festival, hoping to inspire creativity and celebrate collaboration for a more sustainable world. Muses have been known to be the sources of inspiration for great artists, scientists, thinkers and activists. At the CE//MUSE festival we bring together the collective creative genius of CEMUS students, staff, partners and attendees to co-create a unique and inspiring festival.

Come for the interesting lectures, the experiential and creative workshops, the film screenings, the sustainability fair, the grand party with the live music and excellent food, and much more!

Admission to the festival is free! However, the whole festival is built on collaborative volunteer efforts by amazing people. The food and music in the evening is free, but our chefs and musicians would deeply appreciate any voluntary contributions you can make!


Sustainability Fair


Download PDF of program here.

Lecture by Kevin Anderson // Professor in Energy and Climate Change and Deputy Director of Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Kevin is one of the UKs top climate scientists, and is known for being outspoken about the gravity of the climate change predicament. In his lecture “The Ostrich or the Phoenix? Dissonance or creativity in a changing climate”, he will discuss how the way we respond to climate change is crucial. Read more about Kevin Anderson at

Sustainability Shorts // Films are an essential part of the stories we tell about ourselves – what new narratives are emerging? The Bigger Picture Network hosts a session with short films on the theme of sustainability.

Capoeira workshop with Chris B // Moving makes us happy – especially to Brazilian rhythms. Capoeira mixes martial arts with dance and music. More at

Mamma Dunder // Soulful local reggae that’s bound to make you bounce. Check them out

Business with a cause // Cecilia Håård from vegan cheesemakers Ultuna Mejericomes to talk about how to change society by starting a company and making your own rules. We hear there will be cheese! // Room 12:004 from 11.30-12.30.

jw-smallLunchsamtal // författare Jesper Weithz och musiker Johen Tilli deltar i samtal kring klimatångest som konstnärlig drivkraft. Jesper har skrivit “Det som inte växer är döende” och är skribent i Klimatmagasinet Effekt. Johen är ena halvan i veganska popduon Death Team. Ingrid M. Rieser från CEMUS och the Bigger Picture Network modererar. Ta med lunchen, lyssna och delta! //12.30-13.30 i sal 12:004.

Rescued food // Enjoy vegan and vegetarian food at our BBQ party, intercepted from a fate worse than eating // Vegan chef: Ulrich Pahonka