Nov 14: COP23 seminar w. Kevin Anderson, Johan Rockström, Christiana Figueres, John Schellnhuber & Mary Robinson

2020: The necessary, desirable and achievable turning point to safeguard our climate

A seminar at the UN climate negotiations, COP23, organized by CEMUS, Uppsala University and Stockholm Resilience Centre in collaboration with Mission 2020 & the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation.

If global CO2 emissions continue to rise beyond 2020, or even remain level, the temperature commitments set in Paris and the Sustainable Development Goals the world agreed to in 2015 become unattainable.

On Tuesday, a panel of top experts will outline the unprecedented pace and scale of emissions reductions necessary to meet the Paris Agreement, and offer different interpretations of how the colossal mitigation challenge may yet be met. We’ll hear about the pathways to succeed, why climate change matters for everybody and how we all have agency to catalyse change.

Where: Media Events Zone, Bonn Zone & live-stream via UNFCCC. A live-screening at Uppsala University Geo-biblioteket, and at the Conference Uppsala tar ansvar.
When: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 11.30am – 1.00pm 11:00 am-12:30pm (Note! Due to clash with a press conference, the time of this event has changed)


Christiana Figueres (@cfigueres) former Executive Secretary, UNFCCC, Convener, Mission 2020
Johan Rockström (@jrockstrom) Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre and a professor of environmental science at Stockholm University
Kevin Anderson (@KevinClimate) Zennström Professor, CEMUS, Uppsala University; Chair of Energy and Climate Change, Tyndall Centre, University of Manchester
John Schellnhuber, Professor and Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Change Research

Mary Robinson (@MRFCJ) President of the Mary Robinson Foundation for Climate Justice, former President of Ireland, and a former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights

RSVP: Monique Nardi,

Videos: 2020: Don’t Be Late, Carbon Law, Carbon Budgets
Nature Commentary: Duality in climate science (click here for free access), Three years to safeguard our Climate