New report: Carbon Budget and Pathways to a fossil free future in Järfälla Kommun

Uppsala University’s Zennström Professor in Climate Change Leadership, Kevin Anderson and colleagues Isak Stoddard and Jesse Schrage at CEMUS, have calculated a carbon budget for the Swedish Municipality of Järfälla. As the first municipality in Sweden, Järfälla now has a scientifically based analysis that shows how they need to work to decrease emissions in line with the temperature commitments enshrined in the Paris Agreement.

Download the full report here (in Swedish): Koldioxidbudget och vägar till en fossilfri framtid för Järfälla kommun

The report was presented at a public seminar in Järfälla Kommun on Tuesday October 17th.  Here is a video recording from the event:

The presentation can also be downloaded here.

For questions regarding the commisioned research and report, contact:

Isak Stoddard, Deputy Director at CEMUS and CSD and Coordinator of the Zennström Professorship