June 3: Playback Theatre Workshop followed by a live performance

Welcome to a Playback Theatre Workshop followed by a live performance at Kulturhuset Leoparden!

Ever heard of Playback Theatre (PBT)? It’s improv theatre where the actors on stage play back real-life stories told by the audience. It’s totally improvised and created in the moment, but there are specific forms used when playing back the stories. PBT originated in the 70’s from other disciplines such as improv theatre, psychodrama and the work of Paulo Freires and is sometimes referred to as “urban campfires”. There are PBT groups all over the world, and in Stockholm there is a small but thriving community of playbackers.

About the Playback Theatre Workshop

Where: Galleri Leoparden

When: Saturday 03 June, 14:00-15:45

Registration is required here: https://forms.gle/95wHfuhpNUnzkNFt7 (max 6 participants)

Whether you are a skilled improv theatre enthusiast or just secretly dreaming of trying improv theatre you are warmly welcome to join a short and playful PBT workshop! During the workshop you will be guided into the improv mindset and taught some basic forms of PBT, in a playful and safe environment. It will be held in English. (If you’re a musician you’re very welcome to bring your instrument as well)

We’ll be a small group of maximum six participants. The workshop is 1h45 and then you will be trying your wings instantly in a one-hour performance with an audience of around 20 people. This takes some guts, yes, but the audience will be well-informed about the “freshness” of the actors, and everything will be focused on creating a warm, safe and non-judgemental space for listening and trying out the new PBT skills. It actually takes some courage for the audience to share their stories as well, so we’re all in the same boat :)

About the Playback Theater performance:

Where: Galleri Leoparden

When: Saturday 03 June, 15:30-17:00 (free fika at 15:30 and performance from 16:00)

After only 100 minutes of preparation, the participants of the workshop will be performing! The performance will be based on the real-life stories from the audience, who in turn will be inspired by the theme and the art on display.

To complete the workshop and to support the participants trying out their wings instantly, we are inviting you to a one-hour performance (held in English) with an audience of maximum 20 people. This takes some guts from the actors, yes, and we expect the audience to support and celebrate their courage. We will be focusing on creating a warm, safe and non-judgemental space for both actors and the audience. After all, sharing real-life stories in front of strangers also takes some courage! (No-one is forced to share anything of course)

About the workshop leader/performance conductor Jens Malmström: Jens has been a member of https://www.facebook.com/spektroplayback in Stockholm for six years. For around fifteen years he’s been working with social issues around gender, social exclusion, disabilities and climate justice, lately as part of Starfish Collective that aim to highlight the interconnection between masculinities and the climate crisis (and solution!).. He’s also one of few active climate coaches in Sweden.

The performance will be held as part of the three-day event “REclaim, REconnect, REinvent” (https://www.facebook.com/events/543773704530022/) and the stories from the audience will be influenced by the theme and the art on display there.