Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication, Course Reader

SDPMC Course Reader

SDPMC Course Reader

The  SDPMC course literature requires reading of the following books:

You will have to read ONE of the following books, choosing between

  • Chouinard, Yvon (2006), Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman, Penguin Books
  • Gladwell, Malcolm (2011),  Outliers: The Story of Success, Little Brown and Company
  • Taylor, Keeanda-Tamahtta (2017). How We Get Free : Black Feminism and the Combahee River Collective. Haymarket Books.

In addition to these books, there is also the course reader, which includes the following required and recommended texts as follows :

21 January / Course Introduction 

Required Reading

(I) Robinson (2010) Changing Education Paradigms


Recommended Further Reading

Sanna Barrineau and Lakin Anderson (2018) Learning “betwixt and between”: Opportunities and challenges for student-driven partnership

Hald, Matilda, ed. 2011. Transcending Boundaries: How CEMUS Is Changing How We Teach, Meet and Learn.

22 January / Critical Persepectives on Sustainable Development
Required Reading

(I) General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals (2015) Transforming the World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

The Sustainable Development Goals are part of the document, but are presented in a more accessible way here: Get cquainted with the vision and content of the Agenda and get a good overview of the goals and their targets. There are some guiding questions below. You won’t have to present your answers, but they will help with reflection.

1) Who is Agenda 2030 for? Who is it not for?

2) Notice the notion of “productivity”, of being “productive”. Is a specific kind of productivity implied? Reflect on how it is used in the Agenda.

3) What is the role of technology?

4) How is progress conceptualised?

5) How does it frame the phenomenon of economic growth?

6) How is the notion of “well-being” used in the Agenda?

The following case study will also be used in this class – have a little read through to familiarise yourself in advance.

Case Description 
Schools of Thought

Recommended Further Reading

(I) Latouche, Serge. 2003. Sustainable Development as a Paradox. University of Paris

(II) Alan Atkisson is a great speaker and passionate about the Sustainable Development Goals. A recent lecture of his at CEMUS can be viewed here and slides are here 

(III) An academic criticism of the UN’s sustainable development goals for failing to include LGBT people, Mills (2015) ‘Leave No One Behind’: Gender, Sexuality and the Sustainable Development Goals.

with some similar reading available here

23 January / Workshop : Creativity, Innovation and Generating Ideas that Matter

Required Reading

(I) Christensen, Ojomo and van Bever. 2017. Africa’s New Generation of Innovators. Harvard Business Review. Available at:

(II) Birsel, 2017. To Come Up with a Good Idea, Start by Imagining the Worst Idea Possible. Harvard Business Review. Available at:

(III) Kelley, 2012. How to Build Your Creative Confidence.


29 January / Workshop : Facilitation and Elevator Pitching

Required Reading 

(I) Seeds for Change (2009) Facilitating Meetings. Available at:

(II) (2018) Trainings. Available at:

(III) People and Planet (2008) Meeting Facilitation. Available at:

30 January / Workshop: Systems Thinking

Required Reading

(I) Meadows (1999) Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System. The Sustainability Institute. Hartland.

(II) Stibbe et al (2014) The Hanbook of Sustainability Literacy. Chapters 11 and Chapter 23.

(III) Chelsea Green Blog (2016) Why Title a Book “Parachuting Cats into Borneo”?

(IV)  Rockstrom et al (2009) Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity

4 February / Social Entrepreneurship in Uppsala

Required Reading

(I) Thornton (2017) Reclaiming Social Entrepreneurship, TEDxBend


Recommended Further Reading 

Drew Dudley, (2010), Everyday Leadership, TED talks. Available at:


5 February / Environmental Psychology and Communication  

Required Reading

(I) Csutora 2011The ecological footprint of green and brown consumers. Introducing the behaviour-impact-gap (BIG) problem. Available at

(II) Espen (2015), What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming (Chapter 4 p35-53)

Recommended Further Reading

Kollmuss, A., & Agyeman, J. (2002). Mind the gap: Why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? Environmental Education Research, 8, 239–260.

Zsóka, Á. (2005). Consistency and awareness gaps in pro-environmental organisational behaviour. (Doctoral dissertation. Corvinus University of Budapest).

Hall, Lewis, Ellsworth (2018) Believing in climate change, but not behaving sustainably: Evidence from a one-year longitudinal study.

Tanyanyiwa (2015) Not In My Backyard (NIMBY)? : The Accumulation of Solid Waste in the Avenues Area, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Eventuellt kommer siffrorna om plikt att plocka upp skräp 98% vs de som plockar upp 2% från den här artikeln Bickman, L. (1972) Environmental attitudes and actions. Journal of Social Psychology, 87: 323-324

Szerényi (2011). Consumer behaviour and lifestyle patterns of Hungarian students with regard to environmental awareness. Available at:

Barr, S., Shaw, G., Coles, T., & Prillwitz, J. (2010). “A holiday is a holiday”: Practicing sustainability, home and away. Journal of Transport Geography, 18, 474–481. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2009.08.007.

Csutora, 2012. One More Awareness Gap? The Behaviour–Impact Gap Problem. Available at:

Gatersleben et al. (2002). Self-identity threat and resistance to change: Evidence from regular travel behaviour. Available at :

11 February / Workshop : Preparing for Projects 

Required Reading

(I) Centre for Sustainable Transformation (2016) 7 Ways to Approach Change

(II) Eriksson and Lillieskold (2010) The Handbook for Small Projects – Introduction. Saharan Printing. Egypt. pp7-19 and pp23-31

(III) Hodgson, D. & Cicmil, S. (2006). New Possibilities for PM Theory: A Critical Engagement. Project Management Institute. 37:3, pp. 111-122.

(IV) Stibbe et al. (2009). The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy – Introduction. Green Books Ltd, Devon. pp 9-16

12 February / Seminar I : Challenges and Opportunities in Sustainable Development

Come prepared to discuss your written preparation task and course literature up to this point in the course, in addition to the following:

(I) Pissani (2006) Sustainable development – Historical roots of the Concept. Environmental Sciences 3:2, pp 83-96.

(II) Holmberg, J., & Larsson, J. (2018) A sustainability Lighthouse—Supporting transition leadership and conversations on desirable futures. Sustainability, 10(11), pp. 38-42.

(IV) Williams, C. C., & Millington, A. C. (2004) The diverse and contested meanings of sustainable development. The Geographical Journal, 170 (2). pp. 99-104.

Recommended Further Reading

(I) Steffen, A. (2017, June 6) The Last Decade and You. Available at

(II) Steffen, A. (2017, December 17) Speed is Everything. Available at

(III) Leach et al. (2010) Dynamic Sustainabilities : Technology, Environment and Social Justice. New York. Earthscan. pp1-13.

(IV) Andrew Dobson, (2007) Environmental Citizenship: Towards Sustainable Development, Sust. Dev. 15, 276–285

13 February / Workshop : Project Formation 

18 and 19  February / Workshop : Project Game Plan

20 February / Workshop : Team Dynamics 

Required Reading 

(I) The Basics of Non Violent Communication 1.1 & 1.2 (personally, I was not able to stop after the second video!)



(II) Understanding Unconscious Bias


(III). The Dangers of Tribalism


(IV) Blair, I. V. (2002). The Malleability of Automatic Stereotypes and Prejudice. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 6(3), 242–261. Available online at:

Recommended Further Reading

Marshall Roseberg (2005). We Can Work it Out: Resolving Conflicts Peacefully and Powerfully. PuddleDancer Press.

Kurt Lewin (1997). Resolving Social Conflicts – Field Theory in Social Science. American Psychological Association

The following material is not directly linked to this class, but is recommended reading from Warren for further interest :

Skim through the chapters in this book which addresses sustainable development in the arctic with particular attention paid to indigenous communities/ideas/case studies. It gives students another perspective on Sweden and “The Nordics” as well as another perspective on sustainable development. The editor is based at The Arctic University of Norway and may even make an interesting speaker.

Gjertsen, Tor Arne. The Gargia-Oktemtsy Conferences 2004-14. Knowledge and capacity building for sustainable business and community development in the Circumpolar North. 2015. Available at

The Indigenous Majority Group’s policy brief on the UN’s proposed sustainable development agenda. This policy document is very interesting because it provides a behind-the-scenes peek into how the building of sustainability development policy works with different stakeholders and shows what kind of input a historically overlooked/excluded stakeholder can contribute.

Two texts that focuses on the evolving strategies for working toward gender equality in management, within a Swedish and Indian context – the comparison of the two is very interesting!

Anna Wahl, Pia Höök, (2007) “Changes in working with gender equality in management in Sweden”, Equal Opportunities International, Vol. 26 Issue: 5, pp.435-448,

And here is a little list of recent academic articles on gender equality and sustainable development written by a diverse range of researchers:

Dhar, S. (2018). Gender and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indian Journal of Gender Studies25(1), 47–78.

Endalcachew Bayeh (2016). The role of empowering women and achieving gender equality to the sustainable development of Ethiopia,

Pacific Science Review B: Humanities and Social Sciences, 2(1), 37-42

Bina Agarwal (2018). Gender equality, food security and the sustainable development goals. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability,

34, 26-32.

Dankelman I. (2012) Women Advocating for Sustainable Livelihoods and Gender Equality on the Global Stage. In: Harcourt W. (eds) Women Reclaiming Sustainable Livelihoods. Gender, Development and Social Change series. Palgrave Macmillan, London


25 February / Workshop :  Artivism

Recommended Reading

(I) Beautiful Trouble Contributors (2017) Beautiful Trouble

(II) Introduction to Artivism

(III) Canning & Reinsborough ReImagining Change : An Introduction to Story Based Strategy 

26 February / Workshop /  Storytelling

Required Reading 

(I) Wood, J (2009), How Fiction Works. Jonathan Cape, London.

27 February / Workshop : Visual Communication

11 March  / Workshop / Communicating Out of the Box

Required Reading 

(I)  John S. Dryzek & Alex Y. Lo (2015). Reason and rhetoric in climate communication. Environmental Politics, 24:1, 1-16.

Recommended Further Reading

II)  McKenzie-Mohr, D. (2010). Communication, Creating Effective Messages. A chapter from the online book Fostering Sustainable Behaviour

III) Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz & Walters (2012). Everything’s an Argument. 6th Edition. Chapter 15. Please note that an Adobe pdf-viewer is needed to access the file (it’s free on and the password”rhetoric”.

13 March / Seminar II / Project Pitch

Recommended Reading

(I) Smith, B. L., MacGregor, J. T. (1992). What is Collaborative Learning?. Washington Center for Improving the Quality of undergraduate Education

(II) Cuddy, Amy (2012) Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are 

17 March / Lecture : Ethics of Project Management  

Required Reading 

I) Tännsjö, Torbjörn (2013) Understanding Ethics: An Introducton to Moral Theory. Edinburgh.Edinburgh University Press. Chapters 1,2,4,6,8

*This book is available as an e-book at Uppsala University library.

II) Clifford, W. K. (1877). The ethics of belief. First published. Find here:

III) Osberg, D. (2010). Taking Care of the Future?: The complex responsibility of education & politics. In Complexity theory and the politics of education (pp. 153-166). Brill Sense.

18 March / Lecture : The Common Cause – Values and Sustainability 

Required Reading 

(I) Holmes et al. (2011). The Common Cause HandbookPublic Interest Research Center.

(II) Brooks, David (2016). The Power of Altruism. The New York Times. July 8 2016.

19 March / Seminar III : Ethics and Values in Projects

Come prepared to discuss your written preparation task and course literature up to this point in the course. The following text should also be read in preparation :

Sehlin MacNeil, K. (2015) Shafted: a case of cultural and structural violence in the power relations between a Sami community and a mining company in northern Sweden. Ethnologia Scandinavica, 45: 73-88

25 March / Progress Meeting I

Together with your project group select and read one chapter of The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy in preparation for the Progress Meeting

26 March / Seminar IV : Literature Seminar

Come prepared to discuss your written preparation task and course literature to date.

14 April / Progress Meeting II

Together with your project group select and read one chapter of The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy in preparation for the Progress Meeting

6 May / Progress Meeting III

Together with your project group select and read one chapter of The Handbook of Sustainability Literacy in preparation for the Progress Meeting

7 May / Literature Seminar V : The Missing Perspectives