Sep 28: Re-imagining University Spaces in Changing Times – Open Lecture and workshop with Keri Facer


Warmly welcome to an Open Lecture with Keri Facer, Professor of Educational and Social Futures at the University of Bristol:

Re-imagining University Spaces for Changing Times: how can universities respond to environmental, social and technological changes?

Download the presentation here.

Where: Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Trädgårdsgatan 18, Uppsala
When: Wednesday September 28th, 10.15-12.00

The lecture will be followed by a workshop in the early afternoon (13-15). In the workshop we will create and explore ideas for a new physical space in downtown Uppsala for participatory and sustainable design of Uppsala University’s Campus and the Uppsala recogitaboregion, in relation to a new EU-project “Live Baltic Campus – Campus Areas as Labs for Participatory Urban Design“.

The lecture and workshop are organized by CEMUS Forum in collaboration with the Institute for Housing and Urban Research at Uppsala University.

To register for the lecture and to express an interest in the workshop attending the workshop, please fill in the following form: