Aug 16: Open program – Isabella Lövin: “On the Oceanic feeling” Mikael Kurkiala: “The responsibility is always mine”

Welcome to the open program day 1 of the ClimateExistence conference with Isabella Lövin and Mikael Kurkiala!

They will give two keynote talks: Isabella Lövin “On the Oceanic feeling – and the need for a new narrative on the human nature relationship” and Mikael Kurkiala “The responsibility is always mine”.

The talks are followed by a panel with the two keynote speakers, moderated by Alf Linderman.

When: August 16 UPDATED TIME kl. 10.20-12.00

Where: Stora salen, Sigtuna Foundation, Manfred Björkquists allé 4, see map here:

Ticket (free of charge):

Isabella Lövin Author, co-chair Friends of Ocean Action and former Minister of Climate and Environment, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Deputy Prime Minister.

Isabella Lövin is an author of Tyst hav – Jakten på den sista matfisken (“Silent Sea – The Hunt for the Last Fish”) (2007) and Oceankänslan (“The Ocean Feel”) (2022), co-chair of Friends of Ocean Action, regularly featured as columnist in the Swedish newspaper Dagens Industri, former Minister of Climate and Environment, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Deputy Prime Minister. Former EU-parliamentarian and journalist. Honorary doctor at SLU and World Maritime University.

Mikael Kurkiala Author and Researcher, the Swedish Church, Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Uppsala University.

Mikael Kurkiala is associate professor of Cultural anthropology at Uppsala University and researcher at the Church Office. He is the author of, among other titles, In every drum beat the earth’s pulse: about the fear of differences of our time (Ordfront 2005) and When the Soul Goes into Exile: Modernity, Technology & the Sacred (Verbum 2019). He has also participated in several anthologies about the place of existential issues in contemporary society and is the editor of an annual anthology – Tidens tecken – (“Signs of the times”) published by Artos.

Alf Linderman Associate Professor, Sociology of Religion, Uppsala University and Former Executive Director, Sigtuna Foundation.

Alf Linderman is an Associate Professor in the sociology of religion at Uppsala University and has just ended his position as the Executive Director of the Sigtuna Foundation, a position he has held for more than 20 years. As a researcher, Linderman is specialized on research at the nexus of media, religion, and culture. During his long worktime at the Sigtuna Foundation, Linderman has been intensively involved in various interdisciplinary dialogues ranging from climate and sustainability issues to the analysis of the human condition and the exploration of human consciousness and free will.

The conference – ClimateExistence, KlimatExistens – has since 2008 brought together scholars, researchers, educators, artists, activists, students and the general public in an engaged discussion and dialogue concerning the existential, psychological, philosophical and ethical dimensions of climate change / crisis / breakdown.

The ClimateExistence conference is a collaboration between the Sigtuna Foundation and the Centre for Environment and Development Studies, CEMUS at Uppsala University and SLU.

For more information and updates see

How can we embrace the dismembered world, live meaningful lives and actively engage for better?

Herds of ice calves leave the Arctic never to be seen again – testifying that the graphs and numbers from climate predictions are realized in the world beyond papers and projections. While humans flee war and famine, and the political as well as the natural landscape shake beneath our feet – we meet in Sigtuna for the sixth ClimateExistence conference 2023. Having listened to the scientists we realize listening to them alone might not be enough – do we need to hear the ice howling too?

How can we embrace the dismembered world, live meaningful lives and actively engage for better? What are the emotional repercussions of this climate crisis and what lies behind the graphs and numbers signaling this catastrophe? What is yet to reveal itself and how do we differentiate between the stars and satellites?

CEMUS and the Sigtuna Foundation invite you to join us for an exciting ClimateExistence conference! We aim to be a meeting place between artists, activists, academics, faith practitioners and anyone interested in the existential aspects of climate.

When: August 16-18 2023

Where: The Sigtuna Foundation Sweden