April 10: “The End of the Megamachine” with Fabian Scheidler – Café com Paulo Freire podcast

Welcome to the fourth spring semester session of the Café com Paulo Freire podcast with Fabian Scheidler, German writer, visual artist, international speaker and author of the book “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization“!

This episode we are joined by Fabian Scheidler in the online studio, where we will together plunge ourselves into roots of Western civilization and possible ends to the megamachine. “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization” was first published in German in 2015 and since then been published in several languages. Read more about the book here: https://fabianscheidler.com/

Your are most welcome to CEMUS Library and our pop-up studio where we will provide coffee and tea, or if you are with us online – brew up your own coffee and put the kettle on.

When: April 10 at 14.15-15.30 CEST

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here https://link.mazemap.com/gVZ978v2

Online: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/66447645238

In collaboration with Café com Paulo Freire International.

Fabian Scheidler studied history and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin and theatre directing at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts. He works and lives in Berlin as a writer for print media, television, theatre and opera. In 2009 he co-founded the independent newscast Kontext TV, which has since produced over 100 broadcasts on global justice issues. He also publishes in journals, including the Berliner Zeitung, Taz. Die Tageszeitung, Monde diplomatique, Frankfurter Rundschau, Wiener Zeitung, the Swiss weekly WOZ, Jacobin, The Progressive, Common Dreams, ZNet, Radio France, Reporterre, Les Terrestres and “Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik” (edited by Saskia Sassen, Jürgen Habermas et al). For the global justice network Attac he edited the fake edition of the German weekly Die Zeit in 2009, which generated nationwide attention. For this work he received the Otto Brenner Media Award for Critical Journalism. In 2010 he served as the project coordinator for the Attac Tribunal on Banks at the Volksbühne in Berlin. As a dramaturge and playwright he worked for the renowned Grips Theater in Berlin for several years. In 2013, his opera “Death of a Banker” (music: Andreas Kersting) was premiered at the Gerhart Hauptmann Theater in Görlitz (Germany).

In 2015, Fabian Scheidler’s book “The End of the Megamachine. A Brief History of a Failing Civilization” was published in German. The book was translated into Dutch (Lemniscaat 2018), English (Zero Books 2020), French (Le Seuil 2020), Turkish (Aram Yayınevi 2023) and Italian (Castelvecchi 2024). Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Turkish editions are in preparation. In 2017, “Chaos. Das neue Zeitalter der Revolutionen” (“Chaos. The New Age of Revolutions”) followed. In 2019, he co-edited “Der Kampf um globale Gerechtigkeit” (“The Struggle for Global Justice”), conversations with Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Immanuel Wallersein, Vandana Shiva et al. Since 2015, Fabian Scheidler has been on extensive lecture tours in Europe. He also works as a visual artist, with numerous exhibitions of his “photosyntheses“. A selection of images from the series “Displaced Places” is incorporated in his 2019 collection of essays “Die volle und die leere Welt” (“The Full and the Empty World”). In spring 2021, his book “The Stuff We Are Made of. Rethinking Nature and Society” was published in German by the Piper publishing house. In the same year, he released his essay “The Mental Field. Theatre Essentials” (Alexander Verlag Berlin).

Fabian Scheidler has given more than 300 lectures and talks at home and abroad, in German, English and French. Hosts include the Club of Rome, INSEAD Fontainebleau, Ars Electronica Linz, Paris School of Economics, Literaturhaus Berlin, Klassik-Stiftung Weimar, Université de Toulouse, ETH Zurich, Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München, Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz Berlin, Brainwash-Festival Amsterdam, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and many more.

As an interview partner, Fabian Scheidler is a regular guest in various media, including Radio France Culture, BBC World Service, Deutschlandradio, WDR, SWR, Bayerischer Rundfunk, ORF, Arte, 3Sat, RTL, RAI, ZEIT Online, Frankfurter Rundschau, Taz, Wiener Zeitung, Nouvel Observateur and Libération.

Read more here: https://fabianscheidler.com/

Café com Paulo Freire – Learning, Life and Liberation – podcast

Are you teacher in search of more inclusive and democratic ways to engage your students? Armchair digital activist looking for real-world change-making processes and community? Or just curious about the connection between coffee, student-led education, Freire and today’s interconnected emergencies? Then this is the podcast for you!

During the autumn 2021 in connection with the celebration of Paulo Freire’s 100th anniversary CEMUS started an online and Uppsala based Café com Paulo Freire series, inspired by the international concept with the same name and convened by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Read more here: www.cemus.uu.se/cafe-paulo-freire

From October 2023 we are back with Café com Paulo Freire as a recorded podcast where you can join us live in studio here in CEMUS Library or online, or listen when you want to!

Azril Bacal is CEMUS affiliate with a lifetime of experience and knowledge Paulo Freire, education, research and activism.

Daniel Mossberg is lead outreach coordinator at CEMUS with a wide range of firsthand experience of student-led education, universities work for and against sustainability and conversations on existential issues, big and small.