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Deadline Feb 8: Work with CEMUS fall 2024 courses

2024-02-08 kl. 23:59 UTC+2

Welcome to apply to work at CEMUS as a teaching assistant. We have open spots to work with our fall 2024 courses. Last day of application 2024-02-08.

Note: We have several parallel ads posted at the same time. You should always opt first hand to apply for a teaching assistant(eng)/amanuens(swe) position. Almost all course coordinators at CEMUS are teaching assistants, so make sure to apply in this category! We also have course assistants advertised, but those are significalnty fewer and require previous experience of working with student led education.


Open positions for Fall 2024 courses

The positions are for work at one or more of the following courses. Course with Swedish names are given in Swedish and to work with these you have to be able to speak Swedish. All other courses are given in English.

Kurser som ges på svenska

Omfattning 25 %, period 2024-04-01 – 2025-01-31

  • 2 positioner med omfattningen 25% för att arbeta med två av kurserna inom ramen för Hållbar utveckling A (30hp)
  • 4 positioner med omfattningen 18% för att arbeta med en av kurserna inom ramen för Hållbar utveckling A (30hp)

Kurserna som ingår i Hållbar utveckling A är:

  • Global miljöhistoria, 7,5 hp (period 1)
  • Välfärd, utveckling och globalisering, 7,5 hp (period 1)
  • Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället, 7,5 hp (period 2)
  • Kommunikation och projektledning för hållbar utveckling, 7,5hp (period 2)

Om en amanuens gör mer än en kurs, brukar det vara en kombination av Kommunikation och projektledning för hållbar utveckling och någon av de andra delkurserna. Var tydlig i din ansökan vilken eller vilka av kurserna i Hållbar utveckling A du vill jobba med.

Courses given in English

Extent 20 %, period 2024-04-01 – 2024-10-31

  • 2 positions: Introduction to Sustainable Development, 5 credits.
    This course is the first course in the Masters Progamme in Sustainable Development, given by UU and SLU. Note that the contracts for working with these courses are a little shorter since the course runs early in the fall. These positions  therefore have their own application link below.

Extent 25 %, period 2024-04-01 – 2025-01-31

  • 2 positions: Climate Change Leadership in Practice, 30 credits

Extent 22 %, period 2024-04-01 – 2025-01-31

  • 2 positions: Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication, 15 credits

Extent 18 %, period 2024-04-01 – 2025-01-31

  • 2 positions: Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures, 7,5 credits
  • 2 positions: Sustainability Challenges in Sweden, 7,5 credits

Find, and read more about, all the courses listed above here: www.cemus.uu.se/education



Send in your application via links below

Master’s level course/Introduction to sustainable development:

Teaching Assistant (Introduction to Sustainable Development)– link to application

Course assistant (Introduction to Sustainable Development) – link to application

All other courses:

Teaching assistant (all courses, except for master’s level course) – link to application

Course assistant (all courses, except for master’s level course) – link to application

Remember that almost all new coordinators at CEMUS are hired as teaching assistants, so do not forget to apply in this category. If you feel uncertain which application link applies to you, you can send your application to all.

We look forward to your application!



Skicka in din ansökan via länkarna nedan

Masterkurs/Introduction to Sustainable Development:

Amanuens (Introduction to Sustainable Development) – länk till ansökan

Kursassistent (Introduction to Sustainable Development) – länk till ansökan

Alla andra kurser

Amanuens (alla kurser, utom masterkurs) – länk till ansökan

Kursassistent (alla kurser, utom masterkurs) – länk till ansökan

Kom ihåg att nästan alla nya medarbetare vid CEMUS anställs som amanuenser, så se till att ansöka i den kategorin. Om du känner dig osäker kan du skicka in samma ansökan i alla utlysningslänkar.


Video about CEMUS
A few years ago UU produced a video about CEMUS. While some things have changed since its production, the video still gives you a good idea of what it is like working at CEMUS as a course coordinator.


23:59 UTC+2