Dec 14: Climate Leadership Student Conference

Join us to celebrate climate action! Climate Change Leadership in Practice students will present their projects, results, challenges, and lessons learned from 10 weeks of climate activism through project designed and carried out by students!

In collaboration with the Climate Change Leadership in Practice, 30 credits, course

When: December 14 kl. 13.15-17.00 CET

Where: Humanities Theatre, English Park Campus, see map here:

About the course
What would a climate change leadership in practice look in different contexts and places in the world? How can you as a student initiate and lead processes that mitigates emissions and adapts societies to a changing climate?

The course starts with an intense first part in Uppsala where invited guest teachers and interactive workshops give you a background on the complexity of the issues as well as inspiration for what you can work on during the course. The ideas and experiences you bring to the course are also very important in the process. During the end of this intensive start-up you choose, individually or in a group, a practical thematic area you want to work on, in Uppsala, Sweden or internationally. The main part of the course focuses on the actual work with your chosen area combined reports back ‘home’ and discussions with other students, teachers and coordinators at CEMUS (in Uppsala and online). The course ends with a creative summary of the work you have done, communicated at CEMUS Sustainability Festival mid-December in Uppsala.

Take the chance and devote a full semester to learning more about climate change leadership and work for a better world!