Climate Change Leadership in Practice, 30 credits (distance)

Note that you can apply to either the daytime campus course or the mixed-time distance course

To read more and apply to the campus course go to: – for distance course see below.

Autumn 2024, 100%, Distance, Mixed-time

Application at »

Start date: 02 September 2024

End date: 19 January 2025

Application Deadline: 15 April 2024

Enrolment Code: UU-19502 Application (Distance version)

Language of Instruction: English

Location: Uppsala

Selection: Higher education credits (maximum 165 credits)

Entry Requirements: 60 credits

Fees: If you are not a citizen of a European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) country, or Switzerland, you are required to pay application or tuition fees. Formal exchange students will be exempted from tuition fees, as well as the application fee. Read more about fees.

Application Fee: SEK 900

Tuition fee, first semester: SEK 65000

Tuition fee, total: SEK 65000

About the course

What would climate change leadership in practice look like in different contexts and places in the world? How can you as a student initiate and lead processes that mitigate emissions and adapt societies to a changing climate?

The course starts with an intense first part in Uppsala where specially invited guest teachers and the Zennström visiting professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University. This, combined with interactive workshops, gives you a background on the complexity of the issues as well as inspiration for what you can work on during the course. The ideas and experiences you bring to the course are also very important in the process. During the end of this intensive start-up you choose, individually or in a group, a practical thematic area you want to work on, in Uppsala, Sweden or internationally.

The main part of the course focuses on the actual work with your chosen area combined reports back ‘home’ and discussions with other students, teachers and coordinators at CEMUS (in Uppsala and online). The course ends with a creative summary of the work you have done, communicated at CEMUS Sustainability Festival in mid-December in Uppsala.

Take the chance and devote a full semester to learning more about climate change leadership and working for a better world!


The course is offered at CEMUS, the Centre for Environment and Development Studies, in a student-led educational model where students actively contribute to shaping the courses and their content, creating a student-centred learning environment.


Link to syllabus.

Welcome to Climate Change Leadership in Practice distance course autumn 2024!

The course starts September 2, runs over the whole autumn semester and ends January 17, 2025, with the hand in of the final examination at 17.00. The distance course consists of self-study, online lectures, videos, podcasts, texts and reading of course books, and mandatory online seminars and workshops. The semester is divided between an intensive four-week start of the course followed by ten weeks of working on a climate leadership challenge you come up with and develop, with mandatory reports every second week. December 13 we have a mandatory online course conference where you present, communicate the project you have worked on. The last part of the course is spent on writing the final examination text. There’s no in-person, mandatory sessions in Uppsala, only online mandatory sessions with fixed dates and times.


Schedule and online parts

  1. Week 1: Climate, leadership and history. Coming LINK
  2. Week 2: Current critical climate issues and perspectives. Coming LINK
  3. Week 3: Justice, power, gender and your work. Coming LINK
  4. Week 4: Prep for work in the field, methods and how to lead your work. Coming LINK
  5. Week 5-14: Continuous report backs. Coming LINK
  6. Week 15: Course conference presentation. Coming LINK
  7. Week 16-20: Writing documentation, final examination. Coming LINK


Examination schedule

Download the examination schedule here: Coming


Assignments and examination

Written preparation assignment week 1

Written preparation assignment week 2

Written preparation assignment week 3

Written preparation assignment week 4

Report backs week 5-14

Presentation course conference week 15

Written documentation, final examination week 16-20


Grading criteria

COMING Betygskriterier U-G [Alla övriga uppgifter]

COMING Betygskriterier U-3-4-5 [Slutuppgift Livsfilosofi]

Syllabus and learning outcomes

You can read the syllabus here: Syllabus for Climate Change Leadership in Practice. The course goals that are examined are:

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • account for climate variations over time, key climate science concepts and the most important conclusions of different research areas;
  • account for climate change and leadership from an environmental history perspective;
  • summarise and critically relate to different perspectives, central theories and concepts regarding climate change and leadership;
  • account for and problematise current issues, research and scientific debates within the climate change leadership field;
  • describe climate change and leadership from a justice, power and gender perspective;
  • identify, analyse and critically relate to power relations, ethical dilemmas and conflicts which may occur in the work within the field;
  • use various communicative strategies and methods regarding climate change and leadership;
  • design a practical specialisation within the climate change leadership field;
  • apply relevant methods and lead a work in the climate leadership field;
  • author an interdisciplinary text within the climate change leadership field;
  • in an interdisciplinary and popular scientific manner communicate the results of work within the climate change leadership field.


Course literature and online learning material

During the course you will read the following books (mandatory) and work with online learning material available on the different parts-pages here at CEMUS web page. Click on book cover when possible for free access or more information.

Grint, K. (2010). Leadership: a very short introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Tamm J. W. (2020). Radical Collaboration: Five Essential Skills to Overcome Defensiveness and Build Successful Relationships (2nd ed.). London, UK: HarperCollins Publishers.
Solnit, R. & Lutunatabua, T.Y. (eds.) (2023). Not too late: changing the climate story from despair to possibility. Chicago, Illinois: Haymarket Books.

Haarstad, H., Grandin, J., Kjærås, K. & Johnson, E. (eds.) (2023). Haste: the slow politics of climate urgency. London, UK: UCL Press.
Rodríguez, I. (2023). Just Transformations: Grassroots Struggles for Alternative Futures. London, UK: Pluto Press.
Elective book focused on and supporting your own work during week 5-15.


Tech and communication

To be able to study the course you will need a computer, tablet or smartphone with access to the internet. Seminars, workshop and online meetings will be easier if you have external headphones with a microphone. It’s important that you download Zoom here: and install it on the device you’re using for the course. You can test video and audio in the settings.

You can ask general questions at the end of mandatory sessions online, and course coordinator Daniel Mossberg is available every week day Monday to Friday via text/sms 073-065 02 28, call if there’s anything urgent. Emails will be responded to within one week at daniel.mossberg[a]

Looking forward to meeting you all in September!

Daniel Mossberg