I want to stand as close to the edge as I can without going over. Out on the edge you see all the kinds of things you can’t see from the center.
– Kurt Vonnegut
Learning outcomes week 1
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- summarise and critically relate to different perspectives, central theories and concepts within the climate change leadership field;
- discuss and problematise current issues and research within the climate change leadership field;
Examination task week 1
The first examination in preparation for the mandatory seminar/workshop Friday September 1 “Climate change leadership
jeopardy exam” is to come up with two jeopardy categories with five answers each connected to the topics, concepts, theories and perspectives we have discussed during the week.
Send in these via www.studentportalen.uu.se under assignments or if that doesn’t work email Daniel, no later than Thursday August 31 at 21.00.
Reading (click on bold title to access the text)
Climate Change Leadership Declaration Spring 2017
– Students from the Climate Change Leadership course spring 2017
What Is Sustainability?
– Richard Heinberg, March 15, 2012, From The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century’s Sustainability Crises
The Future in Practice: The State of Sustainability Leadership
– Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership , December 2012
The Uninhabitable Earth
– David Wallace-Wells, July 10, 2017, issue of New York Magazine
Alvesson, Mats, Blom, Martin & Sveningsson, Stefan (2017). Reflexive leadership: organising in an imperfect world. London: SAGE.
Hällström, Niclas (ed) (2012). What Next Volume III: Climate, Development and Equity. Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and What Next Forum.
Available online: www.whatnext.org
Dunlap, Riley E. & Brulle, Robert J. (eds) (2015). Climate change and society: sociological perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
Available online Uppsala University: www.ub.uu.se
Ghosh, Amitav (2016). The great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Video, audio and visuals
Introduction to Ghosh, Amitav (2016). The great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 – 2016 ?. #dataviz #climate #climatechange #globalwarming Download ?: https://t.co/JnaU0tKDlc pic.twitter.com/w3yjmddpOe
— Antti Lipponen (@anttilip) 1 augusti 2017
we dont need "leaders" ? we need each other ✊?✊?✊?✊?✊?✊??? #WeGotThis #FightSupremacy
— Chelsea E. Manning (@xychelsea) 19 augusti 2017
Monday August 28
Course Introduction
1. Welcome to CCLIP, CEMUS, UU and SLU! 5 min.
2. Presentations and check-in – name, studied before, why the course 10 min.
3. Course basics 15 min.
– Course description and course idea
– Schedule – 3 weeks and full overview
– Literature
– Examination and syllabus
– Questions?
4. World map – where are coming from now? – where did you grow/were born? 10 min.
5. Family and relatives back in time 1900 – 1800 – 1700 – 1600 – 1500 – older – timeline 10 min.
6. Break 10 min.
7. Value excercise based on quotes, video, graphs, sound, questions 40 min.
9. Botanical garden excursion Linneaus remix – go out and find/collect an object and take photo 40 min.
10. Expectations on course and yourself survey 15 min.
11. Literature seminar + social tomorrow 2 min.
12. Next session tonight at 18.15-20.00, followed by mingle 1 min.
13. Check-out 7 min.
Tuesday August 29
Literature seminar and in-depth discussion
1. Botanical garden excercise
2. Kevin Anderson lecture -> discussion two-and-two -> summary/questions on whiteboard -> discussion everybody
3. Work/project within the course -> think on your own (2 min.) -> round on ideas with comments
4. Climate Action Challenge, as an inspiration and possible funding http://www.whatdesigncando.com/challenge-2017/climate-action/
5. Examination task 1
Followed by Wine & Vision – Beer & Bullshit.
Wednesday August 30
Sustainable development and the end of history with Alan AtKisson
Download the powerpoint here: “Sustainable Development and the End of History”
Thursday August 31
Leadership lecture with Ira Sundberg
Man vill bli älskad, i brist därpå beundrad, i brist därpå fruktad, i brist därpå avskydd och föraktad. Man vill ingiva människorna något slags känsla. Själen ryser för tomrummet och vill kontakt till vad pris som helst.
– Hjalmar Söderberg
Friday September 1
This form will help us get a better picture of you as a student and offers an opportunity for reflection on your own learning process.
1. What knowledge do you want to gain and develop during the courses?
2. What academic and practical skills do you want to develop during the courses?
3. In what kind of situation(s) do you learn best? Describe or give an example.
4. What do you expect your fellow students to contribute with during the courses?
5. What do you expect from yourself during the courses?
Link to Padlet: https://padlet.com/daniel_mossberg/o21xqxsn6w01
#cemus25 https://t.co/pFfWLXGmqO
— CEMUS (@CEMUSUPPSALA) 28 augusti 2017
Alan AtKisson live at CEMUS 2017-08-30 https://t.co/bw0nWaO6SV
— CEMUS (@CEMUSUPPSALA) 30 augusti 2017