Climate Change Leadership in Practice – week 2

This is the precept by which I have lived: Prepare for the worst; expect the best; and take what comes.

– Hannah Arendt

Learning outcomes week 2

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • summarise and critically relate to different perspectives, central theories and concepts within the climate change leadership field;
  • discuss and problematise current issues and research within the climate change leadership field;
  • identify, analyse and critically relate to power relations, ethical dilemmas and conflicts within the climate change leadership field;

Examination task week 2

In preparation for the mandatory seminar/workshop Friday September 8 “Climate change leadership collective exam” you need prepare 10 multi-choice questions (4 different suggested answers where 1 is correct) from 10 different sources – book chapters, reading and video week 1 and 2, guest lectures, workshops, sessions week 1 and 2. Come up with different questions than the ones used in the jeopardy exam.

During the seminar/workshop on Friday you will collaborate in trying to figure out the correct answer before answering individually (you don’t take part in answering the questions you have written). As a group you need to reach 75% correct answers or fail and do a make-up assignment. For each question you as a group will 1-3 minutes depending on how hard it is. You can use whatever technology or material you like, but it might not always be helpful to speed through the sources during the limited time.

Send in at under assignments or if that doesn’t work email Daniel, no later than Thursday September 7 at 21.00.

Reading (click on bold title to access the text)

Call climate change what it is: violence
– Rebecca Solnit, April 7, 2014, The Guardian

Slow violence and environmental storytelling
– Rob Nixon, June 13, 2011, NiemanStoryboard

The geology of mankind? A critique of the Anthropocene narrative
– Andreas Malm and Alf Hornborg, January 7, 2014, The Anthropocene Review

Beyond Hope
– Derrick Jensen, Orion Magazine


Neoliberalism has brought out the worst in us
– Paul Verhaeghe, September 29, 2014, The Guardian

Just 90 companies are to blame for most climate change, this ‘carbon accountant’ says
– Douglas Starr, August 25, 2016, Science

Which companies caused global warming?
– Duncan Clark, November 20, 2013, The Guardian

Carbon map – which countries are responsible for climate change?
– Kiln, September 23, 2014, The Guardian

Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System
– Donella Meadows, 1999, Sustainability Institute

Crossing Boundaries. An Analytical Look at Cemus’ Educational Model
– David O. Kronlid and Robert Österbergh, 2011, from Transcending Boundaries – How CEMUS is Changing How we Teach, Meet and Learn

The atmosphere business
– Steffen Böhm et. al., May 2012, ephemera – theory & politics in organization

Alvesson, Mats, Blom, Martin & Sveningsson, Stefan (2017). Reflexive leadership: organising in an imperfect world. London: SAGE.

Hällström, Niclas (ed) (2012). What Next Volume III: Climate, Development and Equity. Uppsala: Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation and What Next Forum. Available online:

Dunlap, Riley E. & Brulle, Robert J. (eds) (2015). Climate change and society: sociological perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. Available online Uppsala University:

Ghosh, Amitav (2016). The great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Video, audio and visuals





Monday September 4 – Storytelling workshop with Brian Palmer

The fact is that if climate change were caused by gay sex, or by the practice of eating kittens, millions of protesters would be massing in the streets.

– Daniel Gilbert, July 2, 2006, “If only gay sex caused global warming”, Los Angeles Times


The question of how fiction works can only be investigated by considering how the world is constituted and, most important of all, how we should live in it.

– James Wood, February 17, 2008, “Celebrate the force of fiction”, The Guardian

Tuesday September 5 – Artivism

Wednesday September 6 – Systems-thinking workshop

Thursday September 7

Friday September 8