Climate Change Leadership in Practice – week 4-15

Learning outcomes for the rest of the course

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • design a practical specialisation within the climate change leadership field;
  • apply relevant methods during work within the climate change leadership field;
  • author an interdisciplinary text within the climate change leadership field;
  • in an interdisciplinary and popular scientific manner communicate the results of work within the climate change leadership field.

Journalistic report (back)

During week 4-15 you will four journalistic reports, the deadlines are noon October 6, October 27, November 17, December 7. The format is very open, it can be a written article, a podcast, video interview, photos with commentary, etc. All submissions will be published at CEMUS web page, Twitter and Facebook, and CEMUS student-magazine Flood.

Focus on what you are working in your project, important questions, interesting things you have come across. Be creative and use different media.

People we want to invite for a meeting

  • Niclas Hällström, What Next Forum, Renewable energy and development in Africa
  • Vice-chancellors UU and SLU
  • Per Bolund, Minister for Financial Markets and Consumer Affairs, Deputy Minister for Finance, Sweden
  • Kevin Anderson, Visiting professor in climate change leadership
  • Los Vegos cooks
  • Kajsa Kramming, Uppsala University, Environmental collapse or sustainable future? thesis
  • Sachiko Ishihara, CEMUS and Ekolibria
  • Lakin Anderson, Uppsala University, Economy education
  • Christine Teigen,
  • Brian Palmer, Uppsala University
  • Housing cooperative Brf Särstahem board


11 sep-11 okt: Utställning: Vattnet kommer! – Exhibition: The Water is Coming!

Utställningen Vattnet kommer! visar på landskapsförändringar, förhållningssätt och strategier i förhållande till ett hav som stiger. Naturvetenskapliga forskningsresultat möter metoder baserade i konst och design, som syftar till att ge bättre plats för att förstå, men också acceptera för att kunna agera på bästa sätt.

Kurator för utställningen är Carola Wingren, professor i landskapsarkitektur vid SLU. Annika Carlsson står för grafisk form och scenografi.

Utställningen visades tidigare i år på Form/Design Center i Malmö och sätts nu upp i reviderad form som en del i firande av att SLU fyller 40 år som universitet, samtidigt som SLU:s fortlöpande miljöanalys fyller 20 år som egen verksamhetsgren.

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Deadline Sep 17: Apply to join Uppsala University’s student delegation at COP23

The 2017 UN Climate Change Conference will take place 6-17 November in Bonn, Germany and will be presided over by the Government of Fiji. Uppsala University has status as observer organization and will be sending a delegation to the conference.
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Sep 20: Vägen till korruption – Frukostmöte med Emma Wallrup

Makt bär med sig risker, och det behöver vi förhålla oss till när vi jobbar för att förbättra förutsättningar för människor i vårt samhälle. Vilken sorts kultur gör att korruptiva tendenser kan uppstå? Hur bygger vi strukturer som gynnar en riktigt frisk demokrati, och som motverkar korruption?
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Sep 21: Human progress in the 21st century – bright and dark sides of democratization

Welcome to the jubilee symposium Human Progress in the 21st Century – Bright and Dark Sides of Democratization to celebrate Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s 100 years anniversary. On the occasion of the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation’s centenary, an international symposium is being organized at Uppsala University on September 21, 2017. The symposium is titled Human Progress in the 21st Century – Bright and Dark Sides of Democratization. Research has certainly highlighted the important links between human progress and democracy, but has also shown the dark sides of democratization. This symposium aims to present and discuss current research on the bright and dark sides of democratization, with the aim of exploring how democratization processes best serve human progress in the 21st century.
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Sep 21: Sweden’s Ignored History – The Sami Perspective

Warmly welcome to a CEMUS Open Event with Josefina Skerk, the Vice President of the Sami Parliament in Sweden! This open lecture will addresses past and current challenges faced in Northern Sweden among the indigenous people of Scandinavia – the Sami. Josefina Skerk is the Vice President of the Saami Parliament in Sweden, Polar explorer and law student. Democratic socialist, queer feminist.
When: Thursday, September 21st 17:15-19:30
Where: Hambergsalen, Geocentrum, Villvägen 16, Uppsala
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Sep 21: The Gordon Goodman Memorial Lecture with Kevin Anderson

Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm University and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences are proud to present the Gordon Goodman Memorial Lecture 2017, to be delivered by Kevin Anderson, professor in climate and energy, and Uppsala University’s Zennström professor in Climate Change Leadership at CEMUS.
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Sep 22: The Martin H:son Holmdahl Lecture – Human Rights in a Time of Global Insecurity with Jan Eliasson

Ambassador Jan Eliasson, former Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador and Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations (2012-2016) discusses the connections between human rights, development, and security. Uppsala University Vice-Chancellor Eva Åkesson introduces the event and Eliasson’s speech is followed by a discussion with Professor Peter Wallensteen. There will also be an opportunity for questions from the audience. Jan Eliasson is one of Sweden’s foremost diplomats and has a broad experience of international cooperation. In his position as UN Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson he emphasized the connections between human rights and the work for development, peace and security.
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Sep 22: After work&study in Kollaboratoriets Urban Garden

Warmly welcome to Kollaboratoriet Uppsalas Urban Garden on Östra Ågatan 19 in Uppsala. As a part of the Urban Gardening year in Uppsala, Kollaboratoriet, CEMUS and the Department of urban and rural development at SLU have installed an urban garden on the side-walk on östra ågatan.

When: From 15.00 onward, Friday September 22
Where: The sidewalk @ Kollaboratoriet, Östra Ågatan 19, Uppsala

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Sep 27: StandUp for Climate Change: Energy System implications of the Paris Agreement

Warmly welcome to this afternoon seminar with Kevin Anderson, holder of the Zennström visiting professorship in Climate Change Leadership. Date: September 27th, 2017 at 15:15. Location: Häggsalen, Ångström laboratory, Uppsala.
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Oct 10: Open lecture with Rob Hopkins

More info soon.
When? October 10 at 18.15-20.00
Where? University Main Building

11 okt: Öppet rundabordsmöte med delseminarier 11 oktober – Hur blir Uppsala fossilfritt till 2030 och klimatpositivt till 2050?

Välkommen till Uppsala klimatprotokolls årliga konferens där vi visar på vikten av klimatpositiva framtidsvisioner. Låt dig inspireras och bidra i diskussionen om hur vi ska nå Uppsalas utmanande men nödvändiga klimatmål; fossilfritt 2030 och klimatpositivt 2050. Uppsala klimatprotokoll delar med sig av sju års unik erfarenhet och berättar om aktuella samverkansprojekt. Plats: Uppsala Konsert & Kongress.
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Oct 11: Inspirational lecture with Rob Hopkins, The Transition Movement

At 13.00-14.00 Uppsala konsert och kongress, be there before 13.00 to get a seat.
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Oct 25-27: Beyond Oil Conference in Bergen

Society is inevitably moving beyond oil. The direction that this transformation will take is still highly uncertain. Transformations to societies beyond oil involve deliberate choices that lead to different outcomes with regards to power, justice, inequality and human-nature relations. A task for social scientists is to analyze the structures of inertia and capacities for change in current societies, and highlight the multiple futures that these make possible.
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Oct 26-28: Is economic inequality also a literary problem? An international conference on culture, society and economy

To call economic inequality a ‘problem’ is probably to say too little about it. Equality is not just a function of modern life, which may fail to work under certain conditions. Equality is a horizon of expectation. What then makes advanced contemporary society, especially in nations like the US and UK, so economically unequal? Certainly there are conditions of the market since the Second World War, despite all its successes, that have operated against equality – not as a failure of capitalism but as an expression of its nature.
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Nov 25: CEMUS +25 Jubilee Dinner & Party

Welcome to Vasasalen, Uppsala Castle, for an evening celebrating CEMUS 25 year anniversary!

Saturday November 25 at 18.30-01.00. 200 kr. per ticket, buffet dinner with dessert including one glass of wine or alcohol free alternative included in the price. Cash bar open all night.

Read more and register:


30 nov: Klimatforum 2017 – politiken, tekniken och det personliga ansvaret

Klimatforum 2017 riktar strålkastarljuset på både små och stora lösningar. Att förverkliga Parisavtalet är en av vår tids största gemensamma utmaningar. Politisk kraft och internationella överenskommelser är viktigt – mycket har vi redan klarat och flera lösningar finns inom räckhåll. Ytterligare innovationer och industriella språng visar vägen framåt – tillsammans med kollektiva beteendeförändringar och en stor dos personligt ansvar.
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