Updated 2018-09-20 at 11:37
Today is only one day in all the days that will ever be. But what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today.
– Ernest Hemingway
[This is very much:] a space to think and dream differently.
– Doreen Stabinsky, 2016, Inaugural Lecture Uppsala
Dangerous music for dangerous times.
– Prophets of Rage, September 2, 2017, Lovett or Leave it podcast
Learning outcomes week 4
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
- summarise and critically relate to different perspectives, central theories and concepts within the climate change leadership field;
- discuss and problematise current issues and research within the climate change leadership field
- identify, analyse and critically relate to power relations, ethical dilemmas and conflicts within the climate change leadership field;
- design a practical specialisation within the climate change leadership field;
Here are some links to resources that may inspire or help you when you create your poster:
Assignment week 4
In preparation for the mandatory CCLIP-conference Thursday September 27 you need prepare:
- Academic poster with text (use references) and visualization/images that summarizes your practical specialization work, see links in the left column. This should be in the format of an academic poster or A4 text printed. A0 format (1190 mm x 841 mm) for posters and max 2 pages A3 text. Upload to www.studentportalen.uu.se, no later than Tuesday September 25 at 08.30 .
- A Pecha Kucha presentation that highlights what you found most relevant/interesting during the first 3 weeks connected to your practical specialization – 20 images/graph/photos (powerpoint) with 20 seconds spent on each image/graph/photo, read more about the format here: www.pechakucha.org. Upload to www.studentportalen.uu.se, no later than Wednesday September 26 at 21.00.
- An artistic representation that highlights what you found most relevant/interesting during the first 3 weeks connected to your practical specialization – poem, short story, drawing, painting, sculpture, music, installation, dance, etc. – that is presented or performed during the conference. Create and bring it to the conference.
Read/download: Grading Criteria CEMUS.
Texts (click on bold title to access the text), videos, audio and visuals
Read Part I Stories (p. 1-84) Ghosh, Amitav (2016). The great derangement: climate change and the unthinkable. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Slow violence and environmental storytelling
– Rob Nixon, June 13, 2011, NiemanStoryboard
Call climate change what it is: violence
– Rebecca Solnit, April 7, 2014, Guardian
Beyond Hope
– Derrick Jensen, Orion Magazine