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Archive Autumn 2016 | Resources, Guidelines and Work Process
Also see for open events and things happening at CEMUS.
Frequently Asked Questions about grading
Deadlines and time table
The meetings and material listed below will be explained further by instructions sent out by email and at actual meetings. The meetings and material are fundamental aspects of the work with your course and everyone is expected to participate. In other words – not being at a meeting is the same as not showing up for work. At the end of certain sessions we will book follow-up meetings that will be added to the list below, please check for updates. Course coordinator fika every Wednesday at 15.15. Happy course coordination!
week 39
Friday September 30 Course Report Conference – Spring courses 2016 in Luftrummet.
week 40
Monday October 3 at 9.15-12.00 Start-up new course coordinators
Tuesday-Friday October 4-14 Course specific start-ups – connect with your fellow coordinator, read course reports, meet last semesters coordinators, and meet with course resource persons.
Wednesday October 5 at 12.10-13.00 Staff meeting (bring your own lunch) in Norrland II.
Thursday October 6 at 13.00-14.30 Start-up of cooperating courses within the HUB-framework. More meetings will be booked at or after this session.
week 41
Tuesday October 11 at 10.15-12.00 Meeting – new start for new centre in Norrland II.
Wednesday October 12 at 12.00-17.00 Symposium: Finding Our Way in the Dark – Pathways in the Shadow of Climate Change at The Sigtuna Foundation.
Thursday October 13 at time and place will be emailed Potluck fika, bake/buy and bring some fika to share, at CEMUS.
Thursday October 13 at 12.15-14.00 Climate Change Leadership – from personal and institutional responsibility to system change – a symposium with Kevin Anderson and Bob Massie, in Audhumbla Lecture Hall, VHC, SLU.
Thursday October 13 at 15.15-17.00 Climate Change Leadership Seminar – Energy Transitions: Speeds, Characteristics, and the Benefits of Granularity with Dr. Charlie Wilson, Reader in Climate Change and Energy at Universiy of East Anglia, room will be announced, Villavägen 16, Uppsala.
week 42
Monday October 17 at 18.00 Email or talk to Daniel Mossberg about suggested work group members. Daniel has the Friday October 14 morning until lunch open for brainstorming and taking decisions.
Monday October 17 at 18.00 Email project plan, time plan and associated appendixes to Daniel and your course resource person.
October 18-28 meet up with course resource person and decide on project plan, time plan and associated appendixes.
Wednesday October 19 at 12.10-13.00 Staff meeting (bring your own lunch) in Småland.
week 43
October 18-28 meet up with course resource person and decide on project plan, time plan and associated appendixes.
Tuesday October 25 at 16.15-18.00 How climate change became controversial – Examining the denial movement – with Prof. Riley Dunlap, Regents Professor of Sociology at Oklahoma State University, lecture hall will be announced.
October 27 at 13.15-15.00 Meeting on re-imaging and re-engaging the course work groups with Daniel Mossberg, in Öland.
Before November 2 Produce idea map, course outline/structure for schedule to CEMUS Course Assembly 1. The idea map, course outline should be discussed with you course resource person before November 2.
Idea map instructions
Produce the idea map in minimum A1 format (that’s four A3’s) and bring it printed/in paper to the workshop. Include course goals from syllabus, your ideas so far, the things you intend to keep from last year, guests, reading, examination, crazy outbursts, basically anything. The actual idea map has to be understandable for the other coordinators since they will be working on your course during the session. That’s it, have fun!
week 44
Wednesday November 2 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 1: workshop focused on course prototyping and course structure with Sara Andersson, in Norrland I.
HUB “Research, Process, Literacy”
VVV “Critically Examine, Discuss”
TMMF “The Concept of Progress in the Context of Technology”
LF “Think about the World Yourself”
ASC “Empower Students”
SDESIGN “Creative Storm”
CCL “Empowering the Leaders of Today and Tomorrow”
SDPMC “The Re-Run”
MSD “Sustainable Development Just Another Story”
Wednesday November 2 at 12.10-13.00 Staff meeting (bring your own lunch) in Småland.
week 45
Week 45-46 Work Group Meeting 1 with summary of last semesters course, creative input, course outline and some general decisions. Email course reports and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
November 7 at 13.15-15.00 Key debates, concepts and a secret playbook with Isak Stoddard in Skåne.
week 46
Week 45-46 Work Group Meeting 1 with summary of last semesters course, creative input, course outline and some general decisions. Email course reports and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
Wednesday November 16 at 12.10-13.00 Staff meeting (bring your own lunch) in Norrland II.
week 47
November 23 at 13.15-16.00 Examination at the edge of darkness – taming the grading Frankenstein’s monster with Sara Andersson, Malin Östman and course coordinators in Småland.
Before November 30 Produce idea map on examination and literature, to CEMUS Course Assembly 2. The material should be discussed with you course resource person before November 30.
week 48
Week 48-49 Work Group Meeting 2 with decision on schedule, literature and examination. Email creative documents that opens up for input and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
Wednesday November 30 at 9.15-12.00 CEMUS Course Assembly 2, focused on literature and examination with Malin Östman, in Småland.
Wednesday November 30 at 12.10-13.00 Staff meeting (bring your own lunch) in Småland.
week 49
Week 48-49 Work Group Meeting 2 with decision on schedule, literature and examination. Email creative documents that opens up for input and other relevant material for the meeting one week in advance.
December 7 at 12.15-14.15 In class communication and the Thinking Environment method with Hanna Wetterstrand in Småland.
December 7 at 14.15-15.00 What kind of space do we and the students co-learn best in? Designing Active Learning Spaces with Daniel Mossberg in Småland.
week 50
Monday December 12 at 10.15-12.00 Schedule with times and dates and guest and your own sessions should now be finished (not all guests have to be booked but decided on). Bring your unsolved mysteries and problem themes to CEMUS Work Lounge. If everything is in order just email Daniel Mossberg and your course resource person your schedule.
Monday December 12 at 13.15-15.00 Deadline meeting on course books and course reader outline in CEMUS Work Lounge. Bring your unsolved mysteries and problem themes to CEMUS Work Lounge. If everything is in order just email Daniel Mossberg and your course resource person your schedule.
Wednesday December 14 at 12.10-13.00 Staff meeting (bring your own lunch) in Småland.
Thursday December 15 CEMUS Sustainability Winter Festival at Blåsenhus.
January 9 at 13.15-15.00 How do we and the students create a constructive, creative and compassionate course culture? What positive roles could we encourage and develop?
Planning – Doing – Reviewing
week 3
Monday January 16
The Spring Semester 2017 starts!
week 20
Thursday May 18 CEMUS Sustainability Festival, at Blåsenhus.
September 29 at 9.15-16.00 Course Report Conference.
Resources, Guidelines and Work Process
- 1MV020 Hållbar utveckling A
- 1MV052 Global miljöhistoria
- 1MV053 Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället
- 1MV071 Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures
- 1MV072 Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden
- 1MV073 The Global Economy: Environment, Development and Globalisation
- 1MV074 Sustainable Development: Project Management and Communication
- 1MV078 Climate Change Leadership in Practice
- 1MV551 Introduction to Interdisciplinary Science
- 1MV552 Sustainable Development – Worldviews and Visions – a Seminar Series
- 1MV561 Experts in Teams – Interdisciplinary Projects for Sustainable Development
Documents Uppsala University
- Pedagogiskt program för Uppsala universitet
- Teaching and Learning at Uppsala University
- Mål och strategier för Uppsala universitet
- Goals and Strategies for Uppsala University
Project Planning and Budget
See email from Daniel 2016-04-11
Course Reports
Handed out and emailed
Course Coordinators and Resource Persons
HUA 1MV020 Hållbar utveckling A, 30 hp
Course coordinators: Sanna Gunnarsson and Hannes Willner
Course resource person: Jakob Grandin / Sara Andersson
GMH 1MV052 Global miljöhistoria, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Alexis Engström and Henrik Strömsten
Course resource person: Jakob Grandin / Sara Andersson
K&E 1MV053 Klimatet, energin och det moderna samhället, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Gustav Innala and Sofia Östblom
Course resource person: Jakob Grandin / Sara Andersson
GCSF 1MV071 Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Sachiko Ishihara and Alejandro Marcos Valls
Course resource person: Malin Östman
SDSWE 1MV072 Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden, 7.5 hp
Course coordinators: Caroline Bodin and Sachiko Ishihara
Course resource person: Malin Östman
GEC 1MV073 The Global Economy – Environment, Development and Globalisation, 15 hp
Course coordinators: Marret Bähr and Friederike May
Course resource person: Isak Stoddard / Sara Andersson
SDPMC 1MV074 Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication
Course coordinators: Isabel Baudisch and Katelin Markcrow
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
CCLIP 1MV078 Climate Change Leadership in Practice, 30 hp
Course coordinators: Karl Andreasson and Melanie Rideout
Course resource person: Daniel Mossberg
MSD Intro 1MV551, MSD Seminar 1MV552 Master Programme in Sustainable Development, 5 + 5 hp
Course coordinators: Falco Richardson and Jesse Schrage
Course resource person: Malin Östman
1MV561 Experts in Teams – Interdisciplinary Projects for Sustainable Development, 5 hp
Course coordinators: Jan‐Ole Brandt and Daniela Ceder
Course resource person: Malin Östman