Sep 19: Climate active universities – join students and scholars for a week of action

Welcome to an open conversation “Climate active universities” with Ryan Carolan, PhD-student philosophy, David Fopp, PhD political philosophy, Jade Houghton, Climate Students, Alexandre Raffoul, PhD-student in peace and conflict and Saralie Sernhede, PhD-student media and communication studies, in CEMUS Library September 19!

Co-hosted with Scientists for Future and Klimatstudenterna Uppsala.

The conversation and discussion starts out from a recently published debate article and is a part of the global Week of Action for Social and Climate Justice. Read the text in Swedish here: “Forskare, lyssna på vetenskapen”, and in English here: “Scientists, listen to the science”.

When: September 19 kl. 15.30 CEST

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here
