CANCELLED – ClimateExistence 2020 – Save the date for 2021

Due to the present situation with the corona virus we have decided to cancel ClimateExistence 2020 in Sigtuna, May 14 – 16.

It was a hard, but given the circumstances, inevitable decision. With new directions from the Swedish authorities, strict travelling restrictions, and not the least a general concern in society at large, the obstacles eventually became too hard to overcome.

We believe that you have looked forward to the conference just as much as we have, and to make sure that this important ClimateExistence Dialogue continues we are already planning for ClimateExistence in 2021.

Please save the new date for ClimateExistence: August 12-14, 2021

Refund of conference fees
The conference fee will be fully refunded to all participants. To be able to refund your fee we ask you kindly to send an email to Helena Carlsson at the financial department of the Sigtuna Foundation with the information needed to make the refund. We need the following:

For participants with accounts in Swedish banks:

  • The name of your bank
  • Your account number in this bank (including prefix/clearing number)

For participants with accounts in banks outside Sweden:

  • SWIFT (code identifying your bank), and
  • IBAN (code identifying your account in this bank)

We will do our best to handle the refunds as soon as possible.

Finally, we sincerely hope to see you in Sigtuna, Sweden, in 2021!

The Organizing Committee of Climate Existence