Course Report Conference Autumn 2015

Program 2015-02-05 at 9.15-15.00

09.15-09.30 Introduction
09.30-10.00 Global miljöhistoria
10.00-10.15 Fika break
10.15-10.45 Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication

12.00-12.45 Lunch

Global miljöhistoria – Alexis Engström and Henrik Strömsten

  • Worked on with different themes
  • Having students investigating issues
  • Working with case studies made by MGEH-students, where the master students worked as mentors; linking the GMH- and MGEH-students
  • “The Missing Perspective?”
  • Assignment 2 min. coordinators “The Missing Perspective GMH?”
  • “A Walk through History”
    “Learning from Historical Examples Japan”
    Start from now “Migration”, “War”
    “Tools between Man and Nature”
    “Talk to people about their environmental histories or collect clues”
    “Different ways of looking at Time”
    “Restricted military areas becoming nature reserves – field trip”


Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication – Friederike May and Karl Andreasson

  • See the Project Blog below
  • Discussion how to do the course goal “On completion of the course, the student should be able to: account for and evaluate the practical problems that can arise when working with projects”

Master Sustainable Development – Intro and Seminar Series – Ben Owen and Jesse Schrage

Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden – Morag Ramsey and Thomas Finlayson

Hållbar utveckling A – Sanna Gunnarsson and Gustav Innala

The Global Economy – Environment, Development and Globalisation – Lakin Anderson and Ernest Aigner

  • Student-organized Skype-lecture



Global Challenges and Sustainable Futures – Sachiko Ishihara and Alejandro Marcos Valls

  • Back from the Future We Want project and reader
  • Trans-humanism case study
  • Organized potlucks
  • Student-led sessions