Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden 2022

Autumn 2022

Here you will find the latest information related to the course ‘Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden 2022’!

Please keep checking this course portal for the latest updates, and contact us if you have any question at: AND

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the course, the student should be able to:

  • account for different actors’ perspective on sustainable development in Sweden, and critically review their different definitions of and indicators of sustainable development;
  • account for and critically review the origin and development of the Swedish sustainability discourse, and conflicting conceptions of Sweden as a world leader within the sustainability field;
  • account for what characterises Swedish work and Swedish initiatives for sustainable development at the local, regional and international level;
  • critically relate to and evaluate Swedish actors’ visions and solutions that aims at a sustainable future, and their different strategies to achieve a sustainable society in a global context

 Schedule & Course Info

  • Welcome Letter and Practical Information
  • Syllabus
  • Schedule
  • Required Literature List
  • Examination Overview


Three Books:

  • Use and Misuse of Nature’s Resources: An Environmental History of Sweden (By Naturvårdsverket)
  • Witoszek, N. & Midtun, A., (2020) Sustainable Modernity: The Nordic Modeland Beyond. Routledge. Open access:
  • Henriksson, H. & Grunewald, E.W. (2020). Sustainability Leadership: ASwedish Approach to Transforming your Company, your Industry and theWorld. Palgrave MacMillan. (Available in Library)
  • Elder, L. & Paul, R., 2008, “The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking: Concepts &Tools”.Open access:
  • Course Reader Index

Assignment Instructions

  • Group Presentations
    • Peer Review Instruction & Pecha Kucha Resources
  • Individual Assignment

Lecture Material

  • Relevant lecture material will be uploaded here

Welcome to the course ‘Critical Perspectives on Sustainable Development in Sweden’ 2022!

Hello and welcome to the course!
We, Joseph and Salman, course coordinators for this course, are really excited for the start of the semester, and we hope you are too.
Above you will find the links to important information about the course including schedule, syllabus, assignments, literature, etc. We will be updating it frequently so, keep an eye out!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at: and
Warmly welcome to the course!
Joseph and Salman