Dec 4-7: Coping with COP – Uppsala University’s Sustainability Forum – Live in CEMUS Library

Welcome to Uppsala University’s Sustainability Forum four day crash course series on the UN Climate Change Conference COP 28, which will be livestreamed in CEMUS Library!

This series of events are organized by Uppsala University’s Sustainability Forum, where CEMUS provides a viewing place where you can meet up others before and after to discuss the issues.

Welcome to a crash course about the UN Climate Change Conference, COP 28.

When: 4-7 December, at 12:45- 13:00 on Zoom:

Monday: Kevin Anderson Current climate crisis

Tuesday: Gesa Weyhenmeyer What’s it like to review an IPCC report?

Wednesday: Charles Parker Why do we need the international climate negotiations and what is needed to make the Paris Agreement work?

Thursday: Mikael Karlsson Live from Dubai