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CEMUS Sustainability Spring Festival – May 2016
Project Fair at Foyer 10.00-13.00
>>> Student Projects from the course Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication
>>> Student Projects from the course Sustainable Design – Ecology, Culture and Human Built Worlds
>>> Posters from the course Climate Change Leadership – Power, Politics and Culture
>>> Sustainable transportation project – the UU robotics club, a robot for sustainable transportation
>>> Community based Ecotourism and Fairtrade in the Mekong Region
>>> Project for reduced food waste, Anton Fjodorov & Sheng Joevenller
>>> Final report from the Uppsala University’s project Active Student Participation, ASP
>>> CEMUS course development work station – sit down/standup and create a suggestion for a new course at CEMUS 2017-2018
Workshop and Movie screenings 10.15-13.00
10.15-12.00 Workshop with the campus project LivsmeDela, reducing food going to waste,
10.15-11.45 Koyaanisqatsi (on multiple screens)12.15-12.45 Documentary on Community based Ecotourism and Fairtrade in the Mekong Region
Parallel sessions 13.15-15.00
Open lectures by Gloria Rotolo and Paulina Rytkönen “Scale, Security and Sustainability
– Challenges for Agriculture in the 21st Century”
Open talk: “Does sustainability need fiction?: Imagination, Future Worlds, Design Fiction, and Diegetic Prototypes”, Lakin Anderson, CEMUS
Connections between sustainability and peace through case studies, story telling and world cafe, Rishabh Khanna, IofC Sverige and TSSEF
Tre studentledda tematiska workshops, arrangerat av studenter på kursen Hållbar utveckling – värderingar, världsbilder och visioner – avslutas kl. 16.00.
>> 13.15-14.00 – “Entreprenörskap för en bättre värld” med Sofia Carlsson
>> 14.15-15.00 – “Varför gör vi så lite när vi vet så mycket? – Om attitydet till miljö och natur” med Elli Hämynen
>> 15.15-16.00 – “Hur hållbart är enfald? – Om social hållbarhet i en organisation” med Johanna Dahlberg Larsson
Parallel sessions 15.15-17.00,
Poetry reading and writing workshop with Jonas Gren, poet, journalist and scholar.
EVS: opportunity to travel, to learn, to be a change. Erasmus+ program in inspiring European eco-communities (6-12 months). Facebook-event here.
Economy for the Common Good Uppsala: OPEN Discussion – Thinking Critically about Sustainability – Or to put it in words of Lenin: What is to be done?
Party, music, poetry, art starting at 17.15, VENUE CHANGED TO CEMUS LIBRARY DUE TO WEATHER
17.15 Welcome to an evening of…17.30 Festivities, poetry reading, music and open mic/stage
19.00 Live music by Garland
In my music project Garland, I work with mixing organic sounds and digital tools, mainly by live-sampling the viola, percussion and voice. A key factor in the live-sampling performance is the possibility for the audience to trace the growth of the arrangement as it develops, resulting in a mindful listening, hearing the details in the full arrangement. Also, the inevitable possibility of accidents and errors mean that such improvisations become part of the composition. Lyrically, while the project often touches on personal topics of relationships, it also refects my concerns as a human being in a world where image is becoming more important than identity, and where the same old stories abound, while stories about our interdependence and common fate are more or less neglected.
Deadline for call to contributions May 19 midnight
CEMUS Sustainability Winter Festival – December 16, 2015
Project Fair at 10.00-13.00, Blåsenhus Foyer/Entrence, von Kramers Allé.Parallel sessions at 13.15-18.00, Blåsenhus rooms and lecture halls, von Kramers Allé.Party, music, poetry, art at 18-night, CEMUS, Villavägen 16.
CE//MUSE Sustainability Festival – May 2015
Welcome to the second annual CE//MUSE Sustainability Festival!
On May 28th we gather for the second annual Sustainability Festival, hoping to inspire creativity and celebrate collaboration for a more sustainable world. Muses have been known to be the sources of inspiration for great artists, scientists, thinkers and activists. At the CE//MUSE festival we bring together the collective creative genius of CEMUS students, staff, partners and attendees to co-create a unique and inspiring festival.
Come for the interesting lectures, the experiential and creative workshops, the film screenings, the sustainability fair, the grand party with the live music and excellent food, and much more!
Admission to the festival is free! However, the whole festival is built on collaborative volunteer efforts by amazing people. The food and music in the evening is free, but our chefs and musicians would deeply appreciate any voluntary contributions you can make!
Download PDF of program here.
Sustainability Shorts // Films are an essential part of the stories we tell about ourselves – what new narratives are emerging? The Bigger Picture Network hosts a session with short films on the theme of sustainability.Capoeira workshop with Chris B // Moving makes us happy – especially to Brazilian rhythms. Capoeira mixes martial arts with dance and music. More at Dunder // Soulful local reggae that’s bound to make you bounce. Check them out
Lunchsamtal // författare Jesper Weithz och musiker Johen Tilli deltar i samtal kring klimatångest som konstnärlig drivkraft. Jesper har skrivit “Det som inte växer är döende” och är skribent i Klimatmagasinet Effekt. Johen är ena halvan i veganska popduon Death Team. Ingrid M. Rieser från CEMUS och the Bigger Picture Network modererar. Ta med lunchen, lyssna och delta! //12.30-13.30 i sal 12:004.Rescued food // Enjoy vegan and vegetarian food at our BBQ party, intercepted from a fate worse than eating // Vegan chef: Ulrich Pahonka