Broadening Horizons in CEMUS Education
Course Coordinators at CEMUS explore ways to challenge traditional academia and create innovative, insightful and inclusive education.
The Intersectional Environmentalist – How to Dismantle Systems of Oppression to Protect People + Planet by Leah Thomas
From the activist who coined the term comes a primer on intersectional environmentalism for the next generation of activists looking to create meaningful, inclusive, and sustainable change.
The Intersectional Environmentalist examines the inextricable link between environmentalism, racism, and privilege, and promotes awareness of the fundamental truth that we cannot save the planet without uplifting the voices of its people — especially those most often unheard. Written by Leah Thomas, a prominent voice in the field and the activist who coined the term “Intersectional Environmentalism,” this book is simultaneously a call to action, a guide to instigating change for all, and a pledge to work towards the empowerment of all people and the betterment of the planet.
Thomas shows how not only are Black, Indigenous and people of color unequally and unfairly impacted by environmental injustices, but she argues that the fight for the planet lies in tandem to the fight for civil rights; and in fact, that one cannot exist without the other. An essential read, this book addresses the most pressing issues that the people and our planet face, examines and dismantles privilege, and looks to the future as the voice of a movement that will define a generation.
Gender Studies – Education and Pedagogy Eds Anna Lundberg & Ann Werner
In 2012 and 2013, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research publishes a five-part series on Swedish gender studies, in which Gender Studies Education and Pedagogy is the first part. The aim is to highlight and spread knowledge about gender studies to wider circles, both within and outside universities and other higher education institutions. The publication of this series is being led by editors Anna Lundberg (Linköping University) and Ann Werner (Södertörn University), and includes a reference group of representatives from gender studies disciplines in Sweden as well as the authors who have contributed to the publications.
The themes for the four following publications are: What the future holds for students of gender studies – a national alumni survey; Gender studies, politics and social responsibility; Academic challenges in writing and thought; Theoretical/methodological contributions from gender studies. It is not yet decided whether the remaining parts will be translated to English.
The publications have been selected based on consultations between the series editors, the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research, the reference group and the authors. The reference group consists of: Ulrika Jansson (Karlstad University), Jenny Björklund (Uppsala University), Stina Backman (Linköping University), Hanna Hallgren (Södertörn University), Fanny Ambjörnsson (Stockholm University), Irina Schmitt (Lund University), Erika Alm (University of Gothenburg), Gunnel Karlsson (Örebro University), Kristin Järvstad (Malmö University) and Mia Liinason (Genusforskarförbundet).
Environmentalism in Action: Understanding Environmental Justice and Intersectionality
Many of us are familiar with the terms environmentalism or environmental justice, but have you ever heard of intersectional environmentalism? This blog post will offer a crash course on what intersectionality is and how it relates to environmental justice. We will explore the framework of intersectional environmentalism and explore other important concepts such as environmental racism and privilege. Read this blog post to learn how you can get involved and contribute to the intersectional environmentalism movement.
Intersectionality and Education Katarina Båth
Norm-Critical Pedagogy Renita Sörensdotter
Normkritisk pedagogik: makt, lärande och strategier för förändring red Bromseth, Janne & Darj, Frida
Vad innebär normkritiska perspektiv på makt, lärande och strategier för förändring?
Normkritisk pedagogik är ett begrepp som har etablerats i Sverige under de senaste åren. Med hjälp av feministiska, queerteoretiska och intersektionella angreppssätt undersöker bokens tio kapitel vad normkritiska perspektiv kan innebära och hur de kan användas i olika verksamheter.
Bokens författare är forskare och praktiker verksamma inom högre utbildning, skolan, museivärlden, ideella organisationer och statliga myndigheter. Genom ett gemensamt nätverk och enskilda projekt har de alla bidragit till att driva utvecklingen på området framåt.
Karolinska institutet: Equal opportunities in education