Jan 25: Open book release “2100 – Seeds for Futures”

CEMUS and students from the Master Programme in Sustainable Development at Uppsala University and SLU are happy to welcome you to the book release fika of the publication “2100 – Seeds for Futures”!

We are happy to announce that we have published a new book, “2100 Seeds for Futures”! Edited by Adam, Imogen and Maurine, this book is a collection of future scenarios written by the students of the master’s course.

No single seed will be enough to ensure a bright future for all of humanity. But if we plant enough of them, we can imagine and build a better world. Some seeds for the future are technological, others are social, others still political. We invite you to venture into this collection to find your own ideas and inspiration. We hope you enjoy the book!

When: January 25 kl. 15.15-16.00

Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here https://link.mazemap.com/gVZ978v2

Online: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/64705110655