Jan 27: CEMUS film club presents Cave of Forgotten Dreams a documentary by Werner Herzog

The first documentary in CEMUS new film club can be watched here. Organize a watch party or watch on your own. Also available in 3D. Check CEMUS Facebook and Twitter for links to watch parties or after movie Zoom, enjoy!

Week 4 – January 27

Cave of Forgotten Dreams a documentary by Werner Herzog
Watch here: https://www.documentarymania.com/player.php?title=Cave%20of%20Forgotten%20Dreams

CEMUS film club builds on the past film series we had in collaboration with Fyrisbiografen “Film och Framtid” (Film and Future) and other screenings in collaboration with directors and producers over the years. We hope to back in movie theaters or similar rooms in the autumn 2021, for now we will offer an online film series where you watch with the people you live with or organize a virtual watch party via platforms such as Scener, Squad or similar. The series this spring consist of documentaries connected to the many themes and issues that CEMUS focuses in our courses and outreach activities. If you have suggestions for films during the autumn please contact daniel.mossberg[a]cemus.uu.se.