Literature Compendium REDU

Week 36

David Orr (1991). What is Education for?

Standish, Paul (2018). Wittgenstein’s Impact on the Philosophy of Education.

Nordensvard, J. (2014). Dystopia and disutopia: Hope and hopelessness in German pupils’ future narratives.


Week 37

Bandura, A. (2001). Social Cognitive Theory of Mass Communication.

Gifford, R. (2011). The Dragons of Inaction.

Wallin, Adam (2019). Why we don’t change for climate change: motivational effects of different perspectives.

Jensen, D. (2003) Walking on Water. – p.3-67

Shove, E. 2010. Beyond the ABC: climate change policy and theories of social change. 


Week 38

Verhaeghe, P (2012) What about me? The struggles for identity in a market- based society – Introduction + Chapter 1 and 2

Berger, P.L., Luckmann, T. (1966). The Social Construction of Reality. A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. Introduction Chapter p. 13-30.

Karlsohn, T. (2016). On Emotions, Knowledge and Institutions: An Explorative Essay.

Garrison, Neubert and Reich (2012) John Dewey’s philosophy of education. An introduction and recontextualization for our times. – Introduction. 


Week 39

Hald, M. (2011). Transcending Boundaries – How CEMUS is Changing How we Teach, Meet and Learn.

W. Daudelin, M. (n.y.) Learning from Experience Through Reflection. 

Vicry, M. (2017). That Kind of Girl: Effects of Homeschooling on the Sexual Health of Women and Girls.

J. Ross, C. (2012). Fundamentalist Challenges to Core Democratic Values: Exit and Homeschooling. 


Week 42

Adams et al. (2018). The role of science education in a changing world.

Facer, K. (2019). Storytelling in troubled times: what is the role for educators in the deep crises of the 21st century?

Gill, C. (2012) Process Drama: Bridging the Arts and the Sciences. Pertanika Journal Social Science & Humanities. 20 (4): 1299 – 1310.

Wall,Österlind,Fries(2019): Arts-Based Approaches for Sustainability


Week 43

Haugaard, M., 2003. Reflections on Seven Ways of Creating Power. European Journal of Social Theory 6, 87–113. 

Hayward, C., Lukes, S., 2008. Nobody to shoot? Power, structure, and agency: A dialogue. Journal of Power 1, 5–20. 

Burbules, Nicholas (1986) A theory of power in Education. 

Karlsohn, T. (2016). On Emotions, Knowledge and Institutions: An Explorative Essay. Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics., 4(1).


Week 44

Moore, A., 2012. Following from the front: theorizing deliberative facilitation. Critical Policy Studies 6, 146–162. 

Hunjan, R. & Pettit, J. (2011). A practical guide for facilitating social change.

The inquiry based approach (IBA) – A facilitator’s handbook. 2014. Swedish International Centre of Education for Sustainable Development and Uppsala University.

Facer, Keri (2011) Learning Futures – Education, technology and social Change.


Week 45

Building Agency in the Face of Uncertainty. A thinking tool for educators and education leaders.


Week 46

Martin Shaw (2016) Getting Claimed, p. 1-18 in Scatterlings: Getting Claimed in the Age of Amnesia.


Week 47

Albrecht, M., Kierdorf J., Wolff, A. (2019). Virtual Reality in Refugee Aid – Journal of  Digital Psychology & Simulation Sciences (DPSS) p.22-35.


Week 48

Teaching and Learning at Uppsala University. Visions for educational activity and development.

Kevin Kumashiro. 2002. Troubling Education – Vignette 2, 3, 5 + conclusion chapter (p.72 ff. + p.133 ff. + 199ff.)

Kunce, W. (2019). An Introduction to Gender Identity & Expression.


Week 49