Welcome to an open lecture “Deliberating the Value of Nature” with Lina Isacs, Researcher, Climate Change Leadership, Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University!
When: March 9 kl. 13.15-16.00
Where: Room Småland, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here: https://link.mazemap.com/1LZqGPeE
Lina Isacs is a researcher in ecological economics. She has a PhD in planning and decision analysis from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and a masters degree in economics from Stockholm University. Her thesis is a critical study of the ideas behind monetary valuation of nature. She is interested in how theories about value from neoclassical economics and ecological economics translate into research practice and environmental policy and in what ways they help and thwart real change.
Prior to Uppsala University and KTH, Lina has worked with research and teaching in environmental and ecological economics at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala and Stockholm Resilience Centre and as a public official at the Swedish Chemicals Agency, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and for the green party Miljöpartiet in the Swedish parliament.