Join us for an open presentation, seminar on the recent report “Ecocide Law for the Paris Agreement” with co-author Jonas Roupé, and commentary by Kevin Anderson!
The seminar is hosted and facilitated by Isak Stoddard, PhD candidate, Department of Earth Sciences and CEMUS, Uppsala University.
When: March 28 kl. 12.15-14.00 CET
Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here
Online: Meeting ID: 627 0835 9179
About the report
Ecocide Law for the Paris Agreement – The role of Ecocide Law in limiting global warming
International law against mass environmental destruction – a law of ecocide – enables the Paris Agreement. Forests and oceans stabilise climate and urgently need protection. The oceans are rapidly becoming the new Wild West: a lawless territory beyond national jurisdiction for mining and extraction of fossil fuels, using methods that may cause devastation to life on Earth. Ecocide Law has an important role to play: the law would be international, and it would require responsible practices for extraction and production. The main purpose is pre-emptive: encouraging decision makers to think twice before major decisions.
Read the full report here: Ecocide Law for the Paris Agreement
As the founder of the Swedish advisory firm Insiktsbolaget, Jonas works nationally and internationally as an advisor and consultant. He is recognised for his work with the network End Ecocide Sweden and Ecocide Law Alliance, which campaigns for international law to protect ecosystems. This law will lay the foundation for a world circular economy.
Jonas holds an MSc in business administration, a BSc in political science and degrees in engineering and psychology. He has held positions as head of Strategy, Business Intelligence, Head of Business Development, Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Marketing Officer with companies like Ericsson, TeliaSonera and Skanova and is an experienced board member. He is and has been advising Privately owned companies, Stock traded companies, Government owned companies, Trade organisations and NGOs.
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