May 9: Re-Emergence/Emergency Walk – Earth Rights, Nature’s Rights

May 9 kl. 13-16: Re-Emergence/Emergency Walk – Earth Rights, Nature’s Rights – Reframing Legal Protection of Nature

In conjunction with the Earth Rights Conference May 10-11 in Sigtuna.

When: Thursday May 9 at 13.15-16.00

Where: Starting outside of CEMUS Library, Villavägen 16

Register here:

Questions and framing
The Earth Rights Conference asks the following main questions:

  • What idea is powerful enough to heal the relationship between humans and nature?
  • A space for dialogue and co-creation about the idea that nature, not just humans, have rights. Can this idea be the foundation for a new dimension of respect and harmony between humanity and the planet?

And the workshop organizers asks similar questions like:

  • Can the Rights of Nature approach open up for a new perspective on ownership, as a special kind of relationship with the land, built on partnership and respect? Do we need to replace the term “ownership” with a new word?
  • How would we treat our oceans and whales if we saw them as rights holders? How would our actions change if oceans and whales were granted legal rights? What can Indigenous legal traditions teach us about how to live in good relationships with the ocean and its inhabitants?
  • How can indigenous people lead the way to a sustainable future for all, through rights of nature?
  • I am Nature, I am Artificial – Am I Aware?
  • How can we achieve transformation through our personal connections with Mother Nature?

We’ll explore these questions and the main question of the walk – what would a legal functioning framework that protects nature and people look like? What parts of nature do choose to protect first? How can a legal framework and the concept of natures rights be brought into the political debate and be made into law?


The walk will start outside of CEMUS, Villavägen 16 at 9.15 (be there a couple of minutes before 9.15). We will walk through Stadsskogen into Håga Valley and back. We will find a place to sit down for fika, so bring your own fika (thermos of coffee or tea and/or some food to share).


Background-video/presentation and starting points

The destruction of the Earth is a crime. It should be prosecuted
George Monbiot, The Guardian, March 28, 2019

New Zealand river granted same legal rights as human being
Eleanor Ainge Roy, The Guardian, March 14, 2017

Declaration by the Earth Rights Conference participants 2017

We, participants of the 2017 Earth Rights Conference in Sigtuna, Sweden, have gathered from five continents, twelve countries and indigenous peoples such as the Sámi people in Scandinavia and the Sarayaku people and Quechua nation of South America.

Because of the accelerating socio-ecological challenges and wounds caused by the modern human-centered worldview which has emphasized our separation from each other and from nature,

We recognize and support:

  • The need of an earth-centered worldview emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings, as well as the urgent need to implement this worldview in our legal systems,
  • The indigenous peoples’ knowledge and rights to territories and organizational forms and livelihoods based on a harmonious relationship with nature,
  • The urgent and historical opportunity to gather around Earth Rights* as a framework to restore the relationship between humans and nature.

We commit ourselves to living in harmony with nature, each other and ourselves, as well as to the co-creation of a common Earth Rights culture.

We declare to be the change we want to see in the world through:

  • Learning to govern ourselves in alignment with the Laws of Nature;
  • Listening to and speaking for Nature;
  • Connecting and cooperating across borders;
  • Healing past wounds, individually and collectively, in order to move forward;
  • Standing up and taking action for Earth Rights with love.

Today we call on all peoples, organizations and governments to join us in this great undertaking and take adequate measures. We call on the United Nations to adopt the Universal Declaration on the Rights of Mother Earth for the wellbeing of our Earth Community and future generations, and in honor of our common home.

* Earth Rights include the rights of all of our planet’s ecosystems and all of its inhabitants. We envision Earth Rights as working in harmony with, reinforcing and securing all other rights of peoples and species.