Welcome to an open conversation facilitated by OsloMet-students visiting CEMUS looking at and discussing “Imaginary hubs”
CEMUS is visited by a delegation of students and staff from OsloMet University in Norway. Together we are hosting a discussion in the afternoon, titled: “Imaginary hubs” for collaboration – What are the needs?
The theme is specifically chosen by the students in the delegation and aimed at creating a space for experience sharing.
We invite to discuss the needs for social innovation and sustainability centers, as a part of concept development for transformative research and education at universities. Together we will brainstorm ideas that can meet these
needs locally and regionally, in collaboration with municipalities, and connect these ideas to the universities’
In collaboration with SPARC – Sustainable Partnership and Research Collaboration pilot, Oslo Metropolitan University
When: November 16 at 13.00-15.00 CET
Where: CEMUS Library, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, see map here https://link.mazemap.com/gVZ978v2
No registration needed.