Nov 28: Navel-Gazing workshop: Living as you are teaching?

With: Prof. Kevin Anderson and Prof. Steffen Böhm
When: Tuesday November 28th, 13:00 -­‐ 17:00, followed by drinks
Where: Kolloboratoriet Uppsala, Östra Ågatan 19, ground floor

Anchoring your teaching in a specific way of living is for some academics of utmost importance. The possibility to live as you teach does not only depend on discipline, field, and the type of courses you teach, but also on personal conviction. During this workshop we will explore what this personal conviction entails by a dialogue between two colleagues who often seek to live as they teach; Prof. Kevin Anderson, visiting professor in ‘climate change leadership’ at CEMUS, Uppsala University, and Prof. Steffen Böhm, visiting professor in ‘renewable energy activism’, at Division of Industrial Engineering and Management, Uppsala University.

Together with workshop participants we will broach practical, theoretical and political issues to critically expose the possibilities and limits of ‘living as you are teaching’. We are curious about what these academics do to pursue a life that is in line with the philosophy of their teaching. What practical support do they receive, and what are the practical implications of their choices? In what ways have the merging of the personal and the academic been fruitful? What is the most common critique that they meet? And what is the relation between teaching and politics?

Voluntary reading:
Attari, Shahzeen Z; Krantz, David H; Weber, Elke U (2016) Statements about climate researchers’ carbon footprints affect their credibility and the impact of their advice Climatic Change,138(1).

13:00 – 13:30 Introduction
13:30 – 14:30 How do you live as you teach?
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee
15:00 – 16:00 What are the limits of living as you are teaching?
16:00 – 17:00 Drinks and snacks

Organisers: Annika Skoglund, Industrial Engineering and Management, UU; Jenny Helin, Department of Business Studies, UU; Isak Stoddard, CEMUS, UU.

Registration: Please confirm your participation by sending an e-­‐mail to, no later than Wednesday November 15th.