Oct 24: Re-Emergence/ Emergency Walk: Reimagining Education

October 24 kl. 09.15-12.00: Reimagining Education – Learning from Keri Facer, Tim Ingold, Derrick Jensen and Bruno Latour

In collaboration with the course Reimagining Education – Learning, Knowing and Doing in a Changing World and the Course Coordinator Series // Amanuenskollegium at CEMUS.

When: Thursday October 24 at 09.15-12.00

Where: Starting outside of CEMUS Library, Villavägen 16

Register here: https://goo.gl/forms/W9guH6a3Yw7sHxdb2

Questions and framing
During September and October 2019 those of us living, studying and working in Uppsala and Stockholm have had the pleasure of listening to and learning from some of the greatest minds and hearts in the broad and messy field of sustainability, education, anthropology and philosophy: Keri Facer, Tim Ingold, Derrick Jensen and Bruno Latour. All of them have had open lectures, performances, sessions that connect with some of the most important and difficult questions. This Re-emergence/emergency walk builds on those events and the questions they have raised. If you have missed some or all of the events, you have them (or similar talks) available in the background page linked below.


The walk will start outside of CEMUS, Villavägen 16 at 09.15 (be there a couple of minutes before 09.15). We will walk to Stadsskogen, then along the winding paths in Stadsskogen to Valltjärn where we will light a fire. Bring your own fika (thermos of coffee or tea and/or some food to share). And remember to wear warm clothes and warm shoes.


Background-video/presentation and starting points

Read more about the Uppsala lecture/performance by Bruno Latour and read the abstract here: Hans Rausing Lecture 2019: Bruno Latour: Moving Earths (A Lecture-Performance)

Read more about the lecture at Moderna museet by Tim Ingold here: https://www.modernamuseet.se/stockholm/sv/aktiviteter/den-forvandlande-forestallningsformagan/

CEMUS and the Climate Change Leadership node invite you to a series of re-emergence, emergency walks to explore issues, questions and unknowns central to our ability to re-imagine and re-shape human societies and culture.


We as human beings, educators, researchers and universities are failing in bringing about meaningful and radical (to the root causes) change – a systemic change of systems that are destroying human and more-than-human worlds.

We need to explore and rediscover old ideas and ways of organising resistance, and build new spaces that can survive the present-future destruction and madness.

The idea is also built on and inspired by the botanical walks – Herbationes Upsalienses – that Linnaeus did around Uppsala during the 18th century, read more here: The Linnaeus Trails.

The concept is simple: before the actual walking discussion you can watch a background-video or presentation or movie/audio that aims to provoke and inspire some initial thoughts, feeling on the topic being discussed. Then we gather, walk somewhere out of the city or to a certain destination; engage in dialogue, disagreement, discussion two and two (paths are narrow); find a space for fika and further discussion (sometimes around a fire); then walk back and have a conversation with someone new.

» Click to suggest a theme, questions to explore for the walks 2019-2020