Oct 26: Knowledge Democracy and Participatory Action Research in a Freirean Context with Erik Lindhult

Welcome the next Café com Paulo Freire fika/coffee-conversation with Erik Lindhult, senior lecturer Mälardalen University, titled “Knowledge Democracy and Participatory Action Research in a Freirean Context” in CEMUS Library and online!

The conversation is convened and facilitated by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

When: October 26 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET

Where: CEMUS Library, see map here: https://link.mazemap.com/gVZ978v2

Online/Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67908039287 Meeting ID: 679 0803 9287

Erik Lindhult is a senior lecturer in innovation management and entrepreneurship. His main area of interest is participatory, collaborative and democratic innovation and change management as well as entrepreneurship for a sustainable development of society. He is involved in research projects concerning societal entrepreneurship, as well as service innovation. Erik is also doing research in action research and interactive research, research in collaboration with practitioners, and is a board member in the national communities SIRA and SPARC. Erik holds a PhD in Industrial Management at Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm.