You are warmly welcomed to a symposium hosted by Zennström Visiting Professor Doreen Stabinsky. The symposium aims to examine the political origins and implications of establishing 2°C as a threshold for acceptable levels of warming. With contributions by researchers from different disciplines, we will consider recent scientific findings that aid in understanding the possible impacts of a global average warming of 2°C and associated atmospheric CO2 concentration. Presentations will be followed by discussions and a post-symposium mingle.
Presenters include:
Doreen Stabinsky, Zennström Visiting Professor in Climate Change Leadership
Veijo Pohjola, Professor of Physical Geography, Department of Earth Sciences
Anna Rutgersson, Professor of Meteorology, Department of Earth Sciences
Lars Tranvik, Professor of Limnology, Department of Ecology and Genetics
Wednesday October 28, 14-17 in Hambergssalen, Geocentrum, Villavägen 16, Uppsala
Detailed program to be published shortly. More information on the Climate Change Leadership Initiative here.
To register and secure a seat in the seminar, please fill in the form below: