Online communication and teaching resources for CEMUS courses

— DRAFT 2020-03-11 — NOT READY FOR USE —

For guest lectures and incoming events with guests use these resources:

  1. Live-streaming via laptop and using external microphone (built-in web-camera is fine). You get access to CEMUS Online Courses and Events channel (which you can also share with guests), see Youtube-channel here:
  2. Live-streaming and recording OR recorded lecture/session via Zoom
  3. Live-streaming and recording OR recorded lecture/session via Google meet
  4. Guest-recorded lecture via Powerpoint with voice-recording or similar
  5. Find similar recorded online via Youtube or other video-sites

Always post and embed video and other learning material on separate online-learning course page.

And offer the students to share lecture notes, thoughts and questions via online platforms like Padlet, ADD more.

For seminars and workshops including mandatory sessions use these recourses:

  1. Live-streaming and recording via Zoom
  2. Live-streaming and recording via Google meet
  3. Course coordinator recorded video with step-by-step instructions via Powerpoint with voice-recording or similar. Then students discuss online and send in answers to seminar, workshops questions.