Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication Archive

Autumn 2017 weeks 35-02 (28 august – 14 january) – 50% – Campus
Application at »

Application Deadline: 2017-04-18
Enrolment Code: UU-19510
Language of Instruction: English
Location: Uppsala
Selection: Higher education credits
Entry Requirements: 60 credits
Fees: If you are not a citizen of a European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) country, or Switzerland, you are required to pay application or tuition fees. Formal exchange students will be exempted from tuition fees, as well as the application fee. Read more about fees.
Application Fee: SEK 900
Tuition fee, first semester: SEK 32500
Tuition fee, total: SEK 32500

About the course

SDPMC2017-smallDo you want do a sustainability project, reach others and change the world? Then this is a course for you!

The students carry out a local project in international and interdisciplinary groups that in one way or another aims to contribute to sustainable development. The students come up with a project idea that is shaped in lectures, workshops and seminars and is further developed through peer review and feedback sessions. When the project proposal has been accepted, the students run their project with the support of the course coordinators and CEMUS as a resource base. The project is ultimately presented in a project report, and in an outreach context at CEMUS Sustainability Festival at the end of each semester. The project should combine theoretical and practical skills with method knowledge – all of which are practiced throughout the course. Focus is put on critically discussing and presenting the project results in both writing and speech. While there are some individual assignments, the main focus is on group work and assignments.

Spring 2019

Welcome to the Sustainable Design course! The beginning of the semester is getting closer and below you will find a welcome letter with essential information about the course, a preliminary course schedule, course literature and course examination. As the course begins we will predominantly be using Studentportalen for communication.

Hope you are excited about the journey ahead! We are looking forward to meeting you all. Please drop us a line at if you have any questions.


Dani and Isabel

Fall 2019

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course for Fall 2019! Hope you are getting excited for our journey together this semester. We are looking forward to meeting you all! Please contact us at if you have any questions. ‘


Katie and Isabel

Course Essentials 

Spring 2019

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course for Spring 2019! Hope you are getting excited for our journey together this semester. We are looking forward to meeting you all! Please contact us at if you have any questions. ‘


Katie and Isabel

Course Essentials 

Fall 2018

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course for Fall 2018! Hope you are getting excited for our journey together this semester. We are looking forward to meeting you all! Please contact us at if you have any questions. ‘


Katie and Isabel

Course Essentials 


Course information from previous years 

You find more about past projects in the course here


and one of the following:

  • Chouinard (2016), Let My People Go Surfing, Penguin Books
  • Gladwell (2011) Outliers, Little, Brown and Company

Individual Assignment Instructions 

Group Project Instructions 

Literature Seminar Preparation Tasks 

ALL SUBMISSIONS will be made at

Spring 2018

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course for Spring 2018! Hope you are getting excited for our journey together this semester. We are looking forward to meeting you all! Please contact us at and if you have any questions. ‘


Katie and Isabel

Course Essentials 


and one of the following:

  • Chouinard (2016), Let My People Go Surfing, Penguin Books
  • Gladwell (2011) Outliers, Little, Brown and Company

Autumn 2017

Course Essentials 

Class Materials

Lecture slides and other class resources found here :

11th October 

17.10.11 Ethics of Project Management

3rd October 

17.10.03 Facilitation and Elevator Pitching 

2nd October 

17.10.02 Price of Social Media 

27th September

17.09.27 Football as a Catalyst for Change Slides

17.09.27 Football as a Catalyst for Change Extra Material

26th September 

17.09.26 Common Cause 

25th September 

17.09.25 Presentation Techniques

20th September 

17.09.20 Project Game Plan

12th September

17.09.12 Innovation, Ideation and Values

6th September

17.09.06 Psychology and Communication 

5th September

17.09.05 Artivism

17.09.05 Systems Thinking for Sustainable Projects

30th August 

17.08.30 Sustainable Development and the End of History Lecture Slides

17.08.30 Sustainable Development and the End of History – Link to Recording

17.08.30 The Emergence of Sustainable Development

29th August 

17.08.29 Course Introduction

17.08.29 Class Expectations

17.08.29 Sustainable or Not


and one of the following:

  • Chouinard (2016), Let My People Go Surfing, Penguin Books
  • Gladwell (2011) Outliers, Little, Brown and Company

and the Course Reader:

30th August 

Sustainable Development: A Short History 

(I) Pissani (2007) Sustainable development – Historical roots of the Concept 

Sustainability Development and the End of History 

(I) AtKisson (2014), How to be a more effective agent of change, TEDxUppsalaUniversity

(II) AtKisson (2013) Sustainability is for Everyone. ISIS Academy. pp6-17

(III) Centre for Sustainable Transformation (2016) 7 Ways to Approach Change

(IV) Chelsea Green Blog (2016) Why Title a Book “Parachuting Cats into Borneo”?

4th September


(I) Wood, J (2009), How Fiction Works. Jonathan Cape, London.

Project Panel

(I) Pinto, J. K. (2013). Lies, damned lies, and project plans: Recurring human errors that can ruin the             project planning process. Business Horizons. 56:5, pp. 643-653.

5th September


(I) Beautiful Trouble Contributors (2017) Beautiful Trouble

(II) Introduction to Artivism

(III) Canning & Reinsborough ReImagining Change : An Introduction to Story Based Strategy 

Systems Thinking 

(I) Rockstrom et al (2009) Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the Safe Operating Space for Humanity 

(II) Meadows (1999) Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System. The Sustainability Institute. Hartland.

(III) Open Working Group of the General Assembly on Sustainable Development Goals (2015) Open Working Group Proposal for Sustainable Development Goals            

6th September 

Psychology and communication- why don’t we act? 

(I) Espen (2015), What We Think About When We Try Not To Think About Global Warming (Chapter 4 p35-53) 

11th September 

Literature & Assignment 1 Seminar

Please come prepared to discuss your assignment and course literature up to this point in the course.

12th September 

Values, Ideation and Divergent Thinking

(I) Dyer, Gregersen, and Christensen, “Five Discovery Skills that Distinguish Great Innovators,” Harvard Business Working Knowledge, July 20, 201

(II) Steven Johnson, “The Genius of the Tinkerer,” Wall Street Journal, September 25, 2010

(III) Maria Popova, “Fixed vs. Growth—the Two Basic Mindsets that Shape Our Lives,” Brain Pickings, January 29, 2014 

(IV) Christopher Gergen and Gregg Vanourek, “Life Entrepreneurship: Leading Your Life,” Leader to Leader, Spring 2008 

(V) Chris Dixon, “Founder/Market Fit,” CDixon, June 20, 2011

Additional Recommended Readings:

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi et al., “Flow” chapter in Carol Dweck et al., Handbook of Competence and Motivation, 2005, only pages 600-604

Paul Graham, “How to Get Startup Ideas,”, November 2012 

Yair Harel, “Entrepreneurs Should Watch out for Cognitive Biases and the Curse of Knowledge,” Entrepreneur, November 13, 2015 

13th September 

Team Dynamics

(I) Aritzeta et al (2007) Belbin’s Team Role Model

And complete the following questionaire before class

18th September 

Project Formation I 

(I) Senge, P. (2008). Never Doubt What One Person and a Small group of Co-Conspirators Can Do. Excerptfrom: The Necessary Revolution. Doubleday.

(II) Hodgson, D. & Cicmil, S. (2006). New Possibilities for PM Theory: A Critical Engagement. Project Management Institute. 37:3, pp. 111-122.

20th September 

Project Gameplan!

25th September 

Presentation Techniques

(I)  John S. Dryzek & Alex Y. Lo (2015). Reason and rhetoric in climate communication. Environmental Politics, 24:1, 1-16. (Includes reading instructions to be prepared prior to the lecture)

II)  McKenzie-Mohr, D. (2010). Communication, Creating Effective Messages. A chapter from the online book Fostering Sustainable Behaviour

III) Lunsford, Ruszkiewicz & Walters (2012). Everything’s an Argument. 6th Edition. Chapter 15.   Please note that an Adobe pdf-viewer is needed to access the file (it’s free on and the password”rhetoric”.

26th September

Common cause – Values and Sustainability

(I) Holmes et al. (2011). The Common Cause Handbook. Public Interest Research Center.

(II) Brooks, David (2016). The Power of Altruism. The New York Times. July 8 2016. 

27th September 

Football as a Force for Development

(I) Kabeer (2000). Resources, Agency, Achievements: Reflections on the Measurement of Women’s Empowerment

(II) Thornton (2017) Reclaiming Social Entrepreneurship, TEDxBend

2nd October 

Can social media change the world?

(I) The Factory in the Living Room, Sut Jhally

(II) Lawrence Lessig (2006), Code 2.0 (Chapter 1)  

(III) The Diamond Life, Sut Jhally


(IV) Stories of Electronics (2010)

(V) Vincent Mosco (2014), Up to the Cloud

3rd October 

Facilitation and Elevator Pitching 

4th October

Project Feedback

(I) Smith, B. L., MacGregor, J. T. (1992). What is Collaborative Learning?. Washington Center for Improving the Quality of undergraduate Education

(II) Cuddy, Amy (2012) Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are 

10th October 

Towns in Transition

(I) Hopkins (2012)

11th October 

Ethics of Project Management

(I) Santa Clara University (2017) A Framework for Thinking Ethically  

(I) Vitell, S. J., Nwachukwu, S. L., & Barnes, J. H. (1993). The effects of culture on ethical decision-making: An application of Hofstede’s typology. Journal of Business Ethics, 12(10), 753-760.

17th October 

Visual Communication

Individual Assignment Instructions 

Group Project Instructions 

Make Up Tasks

ALL SUBMISSIONS will be made at


Message Board

 29th November
Hej alla
Assignment 3 is now uploaded. Any questions please let us know!
18th October 
Hej alla
Assignment 2 is now uploaded and is due a month from now. Some general feedback from Assignment 1:
– Be sure to pay attention to referencing and follow the Harvard and Oxford systems. Instructions for these are above on the course page.
– In general follow instructions carefully (from things like word count through to answering the question) We will be more strict for forthcoming assignments so to avoid re-submissions, be sure to follow instructions.
Any questions, just let us know!
9th October
Hej alla,
Latest version of the Schedule has been uploaded. Please note the inclusion of the open events happening in Uppsala this week, including William Powers and Rob Hopkins’s talks tomorrow.
Feedback for the proposal has been emailed out. Please let us know if you have any questions!
See you this morning in Kollaboratoriet for the pitches!
3rd October
Hej alla
A reminder that we are in the Learning Lab in Blåsenhus for tomorrow’s class. This is the large spaceship looking thing in the foyer. Entry is from the second floor.
Please bring your draft slides on a USB stick.
12th September
Hej alla!
A reminder to complete the personality test excercise for tomorrow’s class on Team Dynamics.
8th September 
Hej alla!
Just a reminder that Assignment 1 is due this Sunday at 23.59. Please upload to Studentportalen (or email it if you still don’t have access). Thank you to those who have already submitted! 
The seminar on Monday will cover Assignment 1 and the literature assigned in the course reader up to this point in the course (i.e. the first two weeks).

Be prepared.

6th September 

Hej alla!
1. Paolo from Tuesday’s Artivism has passed on some additional reading material based on your questions. This resource – ReImagining Change – An Introduction to Story-Based Strategy can be found in the course reader.
2. There are some upcoming events at CEMUS including the UUCCPlatform meeting Wednesday 17-18, the Project Cafe this Thursday 15-17 and an art space at Kulterenatten on Saturday 15-18. We highly encourage attending! More information can be found here:
3. We have linked some of the support services Uppsala University offers under ‘Course Essentials’. This includes advice and support for language, writing and disability. We highly recommend checking out these resources.
4. A reminder that Assignment 1 is due this Sunday 10th September. Remember to submit via Studentportalen on time.  If you need any support with language or referencing please refer to the links under the ‘Course Essentials.’
5. If you haven’t completed Evaluation for this week’s classes, please do so! They are a very important feedback loop for the course.
5th September
Hej alla!
A reminder for tomorrow’s Silent Walk to come prepared to be outside for some hours (i.e. dress for all weather!) and maybe bring something to sit on if it’s wet (e.g. jacket, plastic bag).
We will meet in the CEMUS Library in Geocentrum, departing promptly at 13:15
But before then, see you at 10-12 for our lecture on Psychology and Climate Change!
4th September
Hej alla!
A short point of clarification for Assignment 1 Part 4. Your project idea(s) does not have to be fixed. The question is an opportunity to brainstorm and discuss potential project ideas related to the SDGs :)
Also, last week’s lecture with Alan AtKisson was recorded – you can find the link under Class Materials.
We also found a map to help you navigate the maze that is EBC
A reminder to complete the evaluations after each class – they are an important source of feedback for us.
Katie and Izzie
29th August
Welcome to the Sustainable Development: Project Management and Communication! We look forward to meeting you today at 9 in Blåsenhus 21:136.
Katie and Isabel

Spring 2017

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course for Spring 2017! Hope you are getting excited for our journey together this semester. We are looking forward to meeting you all! Please contact us at if you have any questions. 


Isabel and Katie


  • Atkinsson, Alan (2011), The Sustainability Transformation, Earthscan
  • Holmes et al. (2011), The Common Cause Handbook, PIRC (Part of the course reader)
  • Lilliesköld and Eriksson (2009), Handbook for Small Projects, Liber
  • The Course Reader can be found at


Autumn 2016

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course! Please contact us at


  • Atkinsson, Alan (2011), The Sustainability Transformation, Earthscan
  • Holmes et al. (2011), The Common Cause Handbook, PIRC (Part of the course reader)
  • Lilliesköld and Eriksson (2009), Handbook for Small Projects, Liber
  • The Course Reader can be found at


Spring 2016

Welcome to the Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication course! Please contact us at karl.andreasson[a]


  • Atkinsson, Alan (2011), The Sustainability Transformation, Earthscan
  • Holmes et al. (2011), The Common Cause Handbook, PIRC (Part of the course reader)
  • Lilliesköld and Eriksson (2009), Handbook for Small Projects, Liber
  • Gallo, Carmine (2014), Talk like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds, St. Martin’s Press
  • The Course Reader can be found at


No class tomorrow

2016-01-26 18:59

Hi SDPMC-ers!

Just a reminder that the class tomorrow Wednesday the 26th has been moved! Social Entrepreneurship is a important perspective and we are looking for a new lecturer to cover the topic but that will be later on in the course.

Instead take the time to get started on the reading! The first individual assignment and an updated schedule will be uploaded in a day or two.


Visit to the municipality

2016-01-24 23:18

Dear SDPMC-ers!

This monday we meet with representatives from the municipality and then take a little walk around town.

Dress warm and we meet at 0915 at Stora Torget (The main square) before going together to the city hall.

If there are any questions or anyone gets lost you can call me at 0708-444163


Autumn 2015


Welcome to the course Sustainable Development – Project Management and Communication at the Centre for Environment and Development Studies CEMUS, a part of CSD Uppsala. Here you will find our schedule, examination tasks, literature and updates relevant to the course. Lectures and seminars are held at day time. The course is given in English.

Contact us with your questions at

Schedule & Course Info


  • Holmes et al. (2011), The Common Cause Handbook, PIRC (Part of the course reader)
  • Lilliesköld and Eriksson (2009), Handbook for Small Projects, Liber
  • Gallo, Carmine (2014), Talk like TED: The 9 Public-Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds, St. Martin’s Press
  • Sachs, Jeffrey (2015), The Age of Sustainable Development, Colombia University Press
  • In addition you will have to read another book for the final individual assignment. We will let you know in time which one that will be.


  • Examination will be posted during the course

Roll Call (Upprop) and Course Introduction

The first day of the course is Monday, August 31st. We will meet in Room 12:228 in Blåsenhus between 13-16pm. Make sure to show up for the roll call to keep your place in the course! For those of you that have applied through, you need to register online on Studentportalen by Monday, August 24th the latest! If you have any further questions email us at

Looking forward to meeting you!

Karl and Friedi