Spring 2023: Café com Paulo Freire series

Join us for the Café com Paulo Freire fika-conversation series spring 2023, in CEMUS Library and online!

The conversation is convened and facilitated by Azril Bacal and Daniel Mossberg. Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

When: See dates and times below

Where: CEMUS Library, see map here: https://link.mazemap.com/gVZ978v2

Online/Zoom: See links below

January 18 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time (kl. 8.15-10.00 Iowa time)

Café com Paulo Freire: the Poetic Language of Time and Transformation with Azril Bacal, Daniel Mossberg and guests

CEMUS Library and Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/67004019782 Meeting ID: 670 0401 9782

Welcome to the first Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation on poetry, language, time and transformation!

Azril Bacal is joining us online from Iowa, USA with guests and Daniel Mossberg from CEMUS Library, Uppsala. We will share some of our poetry and you are most welcome to read your own texts or bring your own favorite poem.

Coffee and tea served in CEMUS Library, welcome!

Read more: www.cemus.uu.se/jan-18-cafe-pf-2023/



Café com Paulo Freire: How would Paulo Freire envisage Another World and Sustainable Future? The Case of Perú with Azril Bacal and guests

Zoom: Zoom-link coming when we have a date

Welcome to the second Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation on visions of sustainable futures for Perú and the world! Azril Bacal will join us online with guests for this online-only event.


March 8 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time

Café com Paulo Freire: Active Learning, Citizenship and Decolonializing Learning Spaces and Campuses with Daniel Mossberg and Azril Bacal

CEMUS Library and Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/69163214895 Meeting ID: 691 6321 4895

Welcome to the third Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation on how to decolonize the mind and physical spaces in education and on campus!

Read more: www.cemus.uu.se/march-8-cafe-pf-2023/


April 19 kl. 15.15-17.00 CET/Swedish time

Café com Paulo Freire: A Freirian Approach to Pedagogical Leaders and Scientific Expertise in Student-Led Education with Daniel Mossberg and Azril Bacal

CEMUS Library and Zoom: https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/65553292122 Meeting ID: 655 5329 2122

Welcome to the final Café com Paulo Freire fika, coffee-conversation for the spring on different pedagogical authorities in education, knowledge generation and roots of scientific expertise!

Read more: www.cemus.uu.se/april-19-cafe-pf-2023/

The Café com Paulo Freire series is built upon the anthology Transformative Research and Higher Education, edited by Azril Bacal, summarized here:

The aim in this book is to contribute to the contemporary efforts to replace the hegemonic neoliberal university with an alternative collaborative academic system. This alternative approach to university life and knowledge democracy is already under construction. The authors of this anthology join in this respect an emerging global network of concerned scholars, who are currently engaged in dialogue with civil society and social movements. In arguing for the transformation of research and education, this book provides concrete examples of creativity, innovativeness and knowledge democracy in this endeavour. This paradigmatic shift is called for against the backdrop of a generalized global crisis. The authors seek in this context to enhance the agenda, curricula and debate on how a transformed university might help in the construction of another possible post-pandemic world built on premises of justice and peace. This book shares pertinent insights from classical authors like Dorothy Lee, Paulo Freire and Orlando Fals-Borda, with up-to-date innovative practices in research and higher education.Transformative Research and Higher Education, edited by Roij, Azril Bacal, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2022

Read more about the book here: https://books.emeraldinsight.com/page/detail/transformative-research-and-higher-education/?k=9781801176958

Read the e-book at Uppsala University Library (for staff and students) here: https://go.exlibris.link/d6n9zy6H