Read more about the journey on the Swedish Carbon Cycle webpage.
June 30, Uppsala-Visby
South bound: A message on the road to Almedalen
June 28, Gävle-Uppsala
Homeward bound: Soaring spires and skylarks’song
Birthday battle and breeze
Who’s future matters?
Dead wood, Gävle and power to act
June 27, Uppsala-Gävle
Reflections from Sofia Lindström during 20km walk to public event in Gävle (click image to download video)
Morning reflections from Uppsala, leaving for Gävle
June 21, Gothenburg
Afternoon thoughts from Gothenburg – Concerned and reflective engagement from civil society, local authorities and academia
Reflections from Susanna Melchior after attending Swedish Carbon Cycle event
Reflections from Bo Norrman after attending public seminar in Gothenburg
Seminar in Gothenburg with civil servants engaged in local climate change transitions
June 20, Halmstad-Göteborg
Morning thoughts from Halmstad – Transport emissions and disjuncture between local and national policy-making on climate
June 19, Malmö-Halmstad
Reflections on agriculture, the private sector and climate mitigation
Short report from the bike during a reprieve from strong headwind
Leaving Malmö for Ängelholm
June 18, Lund-Malmö
Reflections from Erik Karlsson after Public event in Lund (click image to download)
Three talks and a short cycle in Skåne
June 17, Strängnäs-Lund
A cup of tea on the road – Passive houses, individual action and political leadership
On the road towards Lund
June 16, Uppsala-Strängnäs
Update from Strängnäs – Windmills and Yachts in the shadow of climate change
Leaving Uppsala
Through the streets of Uppsala
June 15, Uppsala
Reflections after public event in Uppsala: Rafael Waters, Socialdemokrat i Uppsala Kommunfullmäktige
Kevin Anderson at Naturfest 2018: Do we love our children?
Kevin Anderson at Naturfest 2018: On love, the swedish elections and climate change leadership