Technology, Power and the Future of Humanity

About the course

TPFH2016-smallIn what ways can technological innovations contribute in the work with and for sustainability? Which future scenarios are probable and desirable?

The course begins with historical examples of the relationship between society and technology, and representations of technology in popular culture. After the introduction a number different themes are discussed such as the possibilities and limitations of technology, renewable energy, risk assessment, mobility, high and low tech futures, information technology, social media and copyright issues. The course process also focuses on the interdisciplinary dialogue where technological, natural scientific perspectives meet philosophical, political and cultural perspectives. Lectures, seminars, literature and examination aims to create a better understanding of our relationship to the surrounding technological world.

Spring 2016 weeks 03-22 (mid january – beginning of june) – mixed – 25% – Distance learning

Application Deadline: 2015-10-15 (Late application from 2015-12-15)

Enrolment Code: UU-69509 Application

Language of Instruction: English

Location for Studies: Uppsala

Selection: Higher education credits

Entry Requirements: University studies 60 credits/equivalent

Fees: Application and tuition fees are required for students outside the European Union (EU), European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland. Formal exchange students will be exempted from tuition fees, as well as the application fee. Application Fee: SEK 900. Tuition fee, first semester: 16250. Tuition fee, total: 16250.

Outline for distance course
The course starts with a course introduction and ends with final paper presentations in Uppsala, both weekend sessions are mandatory. Recorded lectures and films are viewed on the web. Participants then discuss these and course literature in groups, via an online forum or any physical location of their choice. Individual reflections will be written continuously during the different parts of the course. The course concludes with individually or collectively authored final paper. A computer and internet access is required to take part of the online material and to participate in the discussions. Course coordinators are contacted through email.

Spring 2016

Contact us at jakob.grandin[a]

Some common questions

Some of you have asked me these questions through email the last week, so I’m posting the answers here too in case anyone else is wondering:

1) The seminar task for part 2 is done individually before the seminar and will also serve as your starting point in your seminar discussions. This assignment should also be handed in to the course coordinators by uploading it at

2) You will facilitate the seminar discussions next week on your own (no course coordinator will be attending), but you will follow a detailed agenda that we will give you on Monday. You are therefore free to decide a time/place that suits the group the best.

3) Some of the readings for part 2 are behind a paywall, but as students at Uppsala University, you can still access them. The easiest way is to look up the journal through, log in with your student login and then search for the relevant paper/journal issue.

4) You are free to use either Swedish or English in all written assignments and seminar discussions. Of course, if there is at least one non-Swedish speaking participant in your seminar group, your language will have to be English. For discussions in the forum at, we ask you all to use English so that you all can understand each other.

Course Introcution 2016-01-18

For those of you that missed the course intro (with a valid reason) or if want to go back to some of the things we covered here’s the video and outline of the session. We have also added two videos on metaskills and the education system connected to the Learning Assessment form you filled out at the end. Thanks to everybody that came and contributed to the course intro!

Watch the archived course intro here:

1. Course information

2. Group formation

3. Introducing ourselves

4. Video discussion

5. Quote from course literature discussion

Read/download: Learning Assessment for Students

Welcome to Technology, Power and the Future of Humanity spring 2016!

On this page you will find updated information about the schedule, course readings, examination and other information that might be necessary, Make sure to check this page regularly!

All the best

Jakob & Daniel